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Everything posted by desert_cat

  1. Here is what I won't do: Restart router Restart PC Update anything Reinstall anything And yes I checked verify game files. This bug, and it is a bug, happens on all official hive servers for me, and only after 20 minutes of trying sometimes it let's me through. My connection has a ping to the server I play on listed as 24 ping in the server browser. It does not happen on private hives. And switching between private hives and official hives does not fix it. And my internet connection test says I have a very fast connection to the provider, (15 ping). So what is causing this bug, it would be great if BI could fix it. This is a bug specific to this game, no other game, of which some have ping limits kicks me off for high ping. My connection is ok, something in the ping checking on BI side is faulty. Because the error messages report a ping of 400-700, which is not the real ping.
  2. dayz_game_feedback_4_2020 The game for me is separated into three zones. players spawning in an busy trying to acquire basic stuff like food and melee weapons player is two kilometers inland and stabilized his supplies, he has perhaps a shotgun with some ammo looted from a police station and 5-6 steaks from a dead animal. player has all the stuff he wants except for rare special items and he is walking around with a backpack full of ammo, desperate for a situation to use the ammo in. There are some problems with this setup. The first is the backpack full of ammo. Armed and Dangerous and nothing to do This happens when a player has reached zone3 (does not have to be a geographic zone, think of it as a level of supplies). This player has a powerful weapons and 50+ rounds for it. This could be an SKS or a shotgun or even an assault rifle. When it comes to physical combat, the game is so easy that the only dangerous and unpredictable things are wolves, bears and players. Because zombies are no threat whatsoever. Imagine this situation, you are at the edge of let's say Zelenogorsk, overlooking the town from a safe distance from a forest. Do you worry about zombies? If you played the game for more than a week, then I would say you are not worried at all. Because all it takes is a knife or even your fists, to move through entire town, and survive it with perhaps a damaged jacket and some bandaged scratches. And before someone claims that zombies are hard, here is a video of me chopping through 7 military zombies with a knife. A careful player can clean out an entire city on his own like this. And I was not wearing a jacket. And melee combat unfortunately is not as much fun as shooting guns. Video: https://imgur.com/a/92Sxpap Never is there the incentive for a player to keep the zombies at a safe distance or use their guns before going in melee. „Yes but zombie lore says guns are too noisy!“ That is only partially correct. In a zombie movie, the characters fear one thing the most, which is getting bit and turning into a zombie. So their rules of engagement are: Avoid zombies and loot without being seen. If that fails and a lone zombie is alerted, take it out in melee combat, if you can avoid a bite If that fails and you get cornered by more, shoot your way out. Also if you can't defend from a bite with melee, shoot. That's the key part missing. Players are not pressured into using their guns. Because a zombie bite or scratch is harmless. Now I don't expect the game to feature turning into a zombie. But it should still offer danger that approximates it. So that a player tries his hardest to avoid a melee hit. That means, a player, or a group of players sneaking into a town, should try to sneak up on zombies with melee weapons and take them out before they can bite. However the moment this fails, a player should be motivated into firing his gun to prevent a bite at any cost. Even if that means 5 more zombies will come running. Then players can still run away. If that level of danger is introduced, then every single encounter with a zombie would be exciting. Because the game currently builds all of its fun on looting. However it can not be the only system to generate fun. Because once a player starts topping out on gear, he will notice that fighting zombies in a town is just a tedious chore. Whip out knife, click through them. So here is what I would like to suggest: Increase the risk when fighting zombies so that if a brawl with more than one zombie ensues, shooting your way out with a subsequent chase becomes a better bet at surviving than just risking more melee hits. Here is how it could be: Higher chance of some type of infection that would require medicine. It would not be a „turn zombie“ virus. More like a disease that drains the character's resources or weakens his combat capabilities like running for a long time. Higher zombie health against MELEE weapons. This is a big one. Currently a player can kill a zombie with 3-4 hits to its head with fists. At the same time, any zombie will walk away from a center of mass hit from a 7.62x39 SKS round. That makes no sense whatsoever. Also regular melee weapons should take 2x as long to kill a zombie. However this nerf should not apply to guns, they should remain powerful, to incentivize their use. The idea is to incentivize players to keep themselves from getting bit or scratched, by putting their ammo and guns between them and the zombie if the situation requires it. The current, „I'll take some scratches and save 5 buckshot rounds to clean that village“ should not be. Project Zomboid fell into the same trap, where it had an obsession with punishing players for using guns. To the point where it becomes a self-reinforcing idea that when a player shoots a gun, he gets swarmed with so many zombies that he will never ever use a gun again in that game. Let's not have DAYZ get stuck with that same idea. However in Project Zomboid, players can lose their character from one bite so there the fear of close contact remains. However in Dayz there is no fear of close contact, and at the same time melee combat is too easy against them.
  3. I would disagree. They are not useless. Shooting a zombie in a town with a suppressor will still attract zombies in the vicinity (I think5 50-70 meters), but it without a suppressor, usually a radius of 200 meters is attracted. They do work, because suppressors don't make a gun completely silent. If a player has 20 glock rounds, and he is forced to use it if zombies were more dangerous, then he can still kill 5-10 zombies with that ammo, which is the population of a village. The game is too easy, and no experienced player will lose to 5 zombies. The video I posted shows how I kill 7 MILITARY zombies with a knife with minor scratches on my character. If melee combat is this easy, shooting guns will remain a fun side thing that no one really does. And then the game rewards the very poorly realized melee combat over the very well realized shooting. That is keeping your best features awayfrom players while forcing them through tedious click melee combat that is boring and is without danger.