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About eutolicos@googlemail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. eutolicos@googlemail.com

    Server kinda cheating

    Bumb fgs They still doing it. Stop/starting server just to keep their vehicles save when nobody of them is online to play dayz
  2. eutolicos@googlemail.com

    How to solve the anonymous sociopath problem

    I like this idea. I like the heartbeat thingy too, but i never expirienced it yet. Thing is... You abiously have to be very close to a bandit to hear the beat. I think that is bad. There isno freaking way i let someone come that close to me without knowing if i can trust him. So no teamplay for me so far. (Never habe killed an other yet, but i shoot back... But sadly never managed to survive getting shoot to bad first) Heartbeat even with binoculars would really help.
  3. eutolicos@googlemail.com

    Server kinda cheating

    Server is still Down. I guess it will come online when the first of them arrives home.
  4. Serveradmins started to stop/start their server in order to save their stuff like bicyles/cars from other players. They stop their server as soon as they leave the server. They started this 2 days ago. I wittnessed it in their TS3 server. Today i tried to move my stuff of the vehicles to another server but i just cant finish it. I even wittnessed kicking or even banning a player for using iname Voice Chat. First they just kicked/banned players using accidental double Tab. But they never stopped there. Im annoyed of the fact, that i didnt move earlier when they started that behaviour. Now i hope that the dayZ guys have a look into this. I really hope to tranfer my stuff from that Server.
  5. eutolicos@googlemail.com

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    omfg thx alot... that fixed it... im so clad that the hatchet can be tranfered between toolbelt and primary soon otherwise i would be scwered cooked meat is my main blood refill option
  6. eutolicos@googlemail.com

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    BUG: Cant pick up hatches!!! Since 1.7.1 http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/406/2012062000002.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/337/2012062000001y.jpg/ picked one up in 1.7.1 never died since... my hatchet was gone when i updated to the melee patch, foudn a new one but couldnt pick it up ( ? ) tried to pick one up in same issue cant pick them up either I even droped everything in my backback to make room (yes i droped more then the pic is showing) Beta patch 98325 is installed http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/171/2012062000003.jpg/ Happens on: DayZ Zombie RPG - Germany 10 (v1.7.1.4) dayzmod.com - Hosted by KrebsCOHO Commentaries - www.youtube.com/KrebsCOHO
  7. eutolicos@googlemail.com

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Bugreport: I had a hatched in Hatched gone... so i couldnt chop lumber found a hatched but coulndt pick it up... said i hadnt enough space in inventory i made space but i was still unable to pick it up