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About yevgeni89

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    On the Coast
  1. Utes is in the Armaverse located near Chernarus, and I feel that there is plenty of ocean space available to insert Utes into incorporating already existing assets from dayz chernarus or even livonia for that matter. it could be placed a little further out than prison island or skalisty, and you have to use either one of the two as a stepping stone to reach it.
  2. yevgeni89

    How about some MREs? (Meals ready to eat)

    I like this concept, and I feel it would add more depth/immersion to the game to have a shelf stable food packet that contained some basic items like 10 matches an esbit stove fuel tabs or a water activated chemical heater with an entree meal and side dish.
  3. yevgeni89

    Camos on cars

    camouflage netting added to cars as covers or painting them in a subdued color would be nice.
  4. yevgeni89

    Persistent traps/New Traps

    Mines should be as persistent as tents until detonation or deactivation with pliers, having minefields as a deterrent would add a bit of extra fear in the world and could even be placed around some military zones with simple mine markers at the start of the field . It would also be cool to have tripwire traps, that you could attach road flares,smoke grenades, or frag grenades to.
  5. Hello All, Since the livonia launch one thing has kinda bothered me was continuity- that you still have chernarus themed zombies specifically Police,Army, and Medical. Livonia is a different country and should have region specific zombies and equipment to boot, it breaks from the immersion when you are encountering zombified CDF, Police and Paramedics still wearing country specific patterns of uniform or patches in cyrillic. While we are here is it too much to get the boonie hats also done in the vanilla cuu pattern , the model is there and why this was never done but they had flecktarn and dpm"uniforms not even in the game yet" i'll never understand.