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Alex Animate Mp4

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Everything posted by Alex Animate Mp4

  1. Alex Animate Mp4

    Dayz on Linux

    Anyone know how to run DayZ on Linux? For my part, I am on Ubuntu.
  2. Hello DayZ community! For some time now, I have been studying how DayZ mods work. I noticed a meta.cpp file that has a lot of information that I would find useful for a project. The main information I want to retrieve is timestamp. This contains the time at which a mod update is issued. The problem is that the value is in a time format that is unknown to me. While searching the net a bit, I found an article on community.bistudio.com. In the article it is stated that the time is in .NET Framework format. So all I have to do is convert this time format to UNIX format. But unfortunately the date returned to me is incorrect. That's why I'm asking you the following question: What is the format of the time at which a mod is updated in the meta.cpp file and how to convert it to UNIX format? I want to apologize in advance for the spelling mistakes I made, I am French. Thanks, Alex Animate Mp4.