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About Hanzikk

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hanzikk

    Unraidable Basebuilding

    So, let's speak about "realistic" in this game. Please tell me, how much realistic is dying after few hours without food? How much realistic is bleeding out after one cut, better scratch, from zombie or from little thorn on the ground? How much realistic is when you hit somebody with 5 bullets 0,45 ACP to the chest and still it beats you to unconsciousness with fists? How much realistic is getting sick by 5 mins in the rain? AND SO ON ... So this is the "realistic" aspect of this game. Ok, let's continue. Nobody is whining. It's just pointing out the unbalanced system in the game. It's just facts, nothing more. The thing is, that system is set up in the way that destroying someone's 10+ hours work, take just 10 mins. And it is STILL just game, so if it can be unrealistic in the way of dying, why it can't be unrealistic in the way of destroying a base? Without consequences? Another non sense. I just want smart solution and stop ignoring the problem and destroying the beauty of the game. They can do a lot of things to improve it. They can mark out zones where you can or can't built a base. They can make them invulnerable or just more resistant. It doesn't matter, solutions are there, just waiting to take them. If you compare how many items you have to find and what you have to do to build a base (small base) and how many hours it tooks you with how "hard" is to find one hatchet and go through, you'll see how ridiculous and unfair is this. Base should be as safe as the hidding post? Players are everywhere. I tried it and one time it took them just hours to find your place and another time some days, but they reach it everytime. There is no safe hidding post.
  2. Hanzikk

    Unraidable Basebuilding

    I definitely have to agree with this and I hope somebody from the team will respond. I want to know, what is the point of base building if it's impossible to protect it? Two days of work is destroyed in 5 minutes with one Hatchet. Realy? This is so ridiculous after six years of work. There is no motivation to play the game, if there is no point but kill on sight. I see just two options. First is make it harder to break a gate or a fence. Like it would take 5 axes to break it through. Or second option is make it unbreakable and set a time scale for disappearing. For example if you won't log in in 14 days, your base disappear. All of us has real life and we aren't able to be logged in 24/7. Some work, some hobbies and so on. Hope you understand me. Please don't take it personally, but I bought the game in 2015, waited so looooong time for this unfinished thing? And you release DLC :D. Please finish the game and afterwards focus on DLC, spin offs, bonuses and so on.