Hey Folks,
I know this ist a controversial issue, but a lot of Players are not happy with the state of basebuiling, specifically how easy bases are raidable with little chance to protect loot like cars or tents.
So naturally, some of us look for ways to prevent this. One of the most promising ideas seemed to be building gates in houses, behind a regular doorway, to prevent an enemy from acessing neither lock nor wire. While the Internet ist full of this method with some people praising it to be the only reason they still play and some complaining about not being able to raid, i myself have now been raided multiple times despite this measure. I set up in the back of a bunker in Tisy, people glitched under map and relogged to be INSIDE my Base.
Next i tried Novodmitrovsks townhall, secured the upper floors and roof with those doors, still people were able to saw our lock without being able to see or access it. When we tried to improve the gates security after fighting them off, they removed the wire instead of the lock on their next attack. Apart from them being assholes that glitched themselves up onto the tower using CAR PARTS (great programming, bohemia) they somehow know a way to "look" through walls (you need to SEE an object to be able to point at and interact with it). So my guess is they know an animation/Glitch that either lets you go through walls entirely, or lets you "look in a way", so you can manipulate items behind it. I would really Like to know how they did it, to try to prevent it...or live with the fact that dayZ isnt as good as i hoped it would be.
Long story short:
I am about to give up dayZ because i am one of those, who play in teams, and teams need a place to meet. It seems there is no safe way to build and protect stuff and i would like to know, how other people feel about this, If there ARE ways to protect a base, and how the hell those people were able to access my gate through a wall.