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Everything posted by Foofah

  1. Foofah

    Day Night Cycle

    I would like to know this too... Is there a way to offset the server "systime" -2 hours? Hi Andiq!!
  2. Hi guys, I have an issue with my ultra wide screen running DayZ in 3840 x 1080. When I hover over an item to check it's state, sometimes the info box leaves the edge of my screen as such... See how the Nota Cola info box in the bottom right area while I hover over the item in my backpack. I know that the issue can be fixed by chaning the game resolution to a more conventional size, but I have this monitor now and I want to use it as intended 😉 Can a game update fix this? Thanks.
  3. Hi all, I have troubles understanding the messages.xml in order to display a message 15,10 and 5 minutes prior to restart. First of all, help me understand when the messages.xml starts to work, is it when the server starts, or when the player joins? For example, I start the server at 13:00. A player joins at 13:10. The first message in the messages.xml is set as follows: <message> <delay>10</delay> <repeat>60</repeat> <onconnect>1</onconnect> <text>Hello world!</text> </message> Will the player see this after 10 minutes he logs in (onconnect = 1)? Or instantly because the server waited 10 minutes to display it? If I want it to display a message after 45 minutes, and shutdown in 60. <message> <delay>0</delay> <repeat>0</repeat> <deadline>60</deadline> <onConnect>0</onConnect> <shutdown>1</shutdown> <text>World will shutdown in #tmin minutes.</text> </message> Where does it say it will display itself after 45 minutes? The only timer is set to 60.
  4. Foofah

    Warning, you are kicked from server

    Same for me, but on PC.
  5. Is there any way to configure the health loss, as you can change the stamina in the PlayerConstants.c ? My server is running the same time as in irl, so when sick - you die unnormally fast. However, when I go through the PlayerConstants I see nothing regarding sickness to adjust.