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Everything posted by Dylan748

  1. Dylan748

    US 1345 everyone died

    You're fucking stupid, you're drawing lines where there are none, the scripter could have just changed his fucking name to that. Show some damn respect for someone who is PAYING OUT OF THEIR OWN POCKET to let you use the server. Jesus fuck!
  2. Dylan748

    US 1038 TX

    I was actually giving you helpful advice, informing you about how much a fucking idiot you are using "PINK TEXT HERE FUCKING LOOK AT ME I AM FUCKING SIGNING MY POST LOOOOOOOOOK AT MEEEEEEEEEEE". You're almost as bad as an autistic person flailing X fandom about.
  3. Dylan748

    US 1038 TX

    I just walked into this thread with malicious intent, and I had nothing to do with it in the first place. Also, stop signing your posts, we can see your name perfectly, stop trying to be a special little flower you camwhore.
  4. Dylan748

    Banned on US 788

    You fucking retard, if BattlEye banned him it would say "kicked for ban #(####)"
  5. Dylan748

    US 1038 TX

    I'm pretty sure this thread is derailed, but sure you're argument is completely valid (In my opinion)
  6. Dylan748

    US 1038 TX

    10/10 would look at again
  7. Dylan748

    US 1038 TX

  8. Dylan748

    US 1038 TX

    Only if you can bring me a picture of a donkey riding a person
  9. Dylan748

    US 1038 TX

    I was about to reply, but then I realized you're a furry, so your argument is invalid. On a lighter note: fuck off furfag [user warned, 24 hour PPS. -Max]
  10. Dylan748

    Battleye: GameHack #34

    If you just got kicked, you're A-ok because BattlEye only bans you if it catches you attempting to execute a script. Make sure ALL programs you have open that could be considered malicious are closed, an example of a program that should be closed is Cheat Engine
  11. Dylan748


    The funny thing is that this game will not die out, everyone is overreacting and exaggerating about the scripters. There are only a couple people in this thread that actually know whats going on and whats happening, and Tonic is the only on that properly represented it.
  12. Dylan748

    SE 9 - Cheater

  13. You didn't give us a time it happend. You didn't even bother to read the motherfucking stickies! A SERVER ADMIN CAN ONLY FUCKING RESTART THE SERVER AND BAN PLAYERS! Urgh, you people really need to smarten the fuck up "Pls do something about this rocket this ain't funny anymore get rid of hackers ASAP. " isn't going to do a single fucking thing. Not only that, you're throwing the blame around like a game of hot potato! You kind of people really...really rustle my jimmies.
  14. You're fucking retarded. That's all I have to say.
  15. This sums up your entire comment right there. You have a stickman argument and it's walking on one leg and has no arms. The person you quoted his the nail on the head, perfect square on comment about how stupid you were to try to throw accusations around when you have little to no proof at all. Kindly fuck off until you can provide some actual proof!
  16. Dylan748

    US 286 is not in accordance with the dayz server rules

    Yes, because you're such a mature person for using all those emoticons and laughing. While in the real world here, you don't seem to notice THAT YOU CANT FUCKING BAN SOMEONE JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE THEM. Do people like you even read the motherfucking thread or the fucking stickies before posting your own misguided opinion, and looking like a person with shit for brains!? Either something else happened, or this server needs to be blacklisted.
  17. Dylan748

    US 0, Admin abuse [TGC]

    Read the fucking stickies you mongoloid piece of shit!
  18. Dylan748

    DE 239 ADMIN ABuse

    Here is some pretty incriminating evidence
  19. Dylan748

    i got banned becouse of hacking....

    This guy knows what the fuck is up. You hacked and got banned for it. BattlEye does not produce false positives! You're the "huur ill look for hacks on google and use them" type of person and you got what you deserved!
  20. Dylan748


    4GB of RAM is PLENTY! Hell, even 8GB is pushing the "you're never going to use that much ram you fucking idiot" line. Anyways, the problem is most likely your processor, maybe even your video card. Both of them are outdated.
  21. Dylan748


    4GB of RAM is plenty. Although if he doesn't have a 64-bit OS that could be the problem. I sincerely your not on of those "HURR MORE RAM = FASTER!!!!!!!" people, because that's how your rubbing off that statement
  22. Dylan748

    Banned from DayZ

    Clarification: As long as you have a bypass for BattlEye, you can use any script you want no matter how detected.
  23. Dylan748

    Hackers READ THIS!!!!

    Edit: I clearly cannot into images
  24. Dylan748

    What just happened?

    No shit sherlock, they can also be destroyed by Smoke Grenades, and Satchel Charges.