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Everything posted by Fiskbatch

  1. Fiskbatch

    Over Kill!

    Guy with ghillie most likely had the L85. It's so fucking bad.
  2. Fiskbatch

    Simple idea to fix mindless deathmatching

    Worst idea ever.
  3. Fiskbatch

    Top 3 Questions

    Sometimes I kill people who just spawned. Usually not. And I never kill people who ask for mercy/ people who help or have helped me(exception below) I remember when I was running at a field north of Elektro and I was getting fired upon. I ran towards the dude(Who had an AK or something). I had only a Makarov and I asked for mercy and said that I was out of ammo. He looks at me whilst walking around. Along comes then a third guy who's followed by a group of zombies. He asks in voice-chat for help. The guy with the automatic rifle helps him to kill all of them and afterwards, they bandage each other up. That's when I walk to them like a cold mother fucker and just pops them in the head. One shot each. Before they die completely I hear them call me shit in the voice chat. I felt bad afterwards xD
  4. Fiskbatch

    Reward point system for killing

    Poor idea. This is not that kind of game.
  5. Fiskbatch

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    "Should we remove barbed wire in the next update"
  6. Fiskbatch

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    They know what the problems are with the wire. That's why they are asking if they should remove them or not. Whether if the negative sides outweigh the positive.
  7. Fiskbatch

    Cant install Arma 2 oa beta patch

    Try deleting the ArmA 2 files in C: / x86 / whatever. There are some ArmA 2 files somewhere else other than your install dir. Delete those and try again.
  8. Fiskbatch

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    It's too simple to just find someones tent/corpse and loot it for non-legit items. Auto-ban for such items is wrong, imo.
  9. I usually kill anyone at sight. I spare people (most of the time) if they call friendly, though. unarmed or not.
  10. Fiskbatch

    Unable to patch

    "ArmA 2 OA is not installed on your computer or the installation is corrupted." Is what I get for error message when I try to run the beta patch. I moved my Steam folder from the C: partion to the D: partion of my harddrive. It didn't work right away so I decided to reinstall ArmA 2. Help me forum users, you are my only hope.
  11. Fiskbatch

    Unable to patch

  12. Fiskbatch

    Unable to patch

    Obviously, reinstalling didn't work. I have done nothing other than to uninstall arma2/oa on steam. So no complete wipe of the dayz files etc.
  13. Fiskbatch

    Your body should disappear after death

    I would probably stopped playing if I was to be unable to use tents/vehicles/bodies. Your idea is bad and you should feel bad.
  14. No. This is Alpha. We all are pretty much alpha-testers. You don't have to check patch notes, it's on you.
  15. Hello! I think you should add a dislike option for comments. Just being able to like a comment pretty much renders the feature useless. A comment with many likes doesn't have to mean shit. Since it is biased as ape-bollocks. I can't see why this isn't implemented already. That they use the same thing on Facebook is understandable, because it's filled up with sissies(pardon) that can't handle someone disagreeing. But since this is a forums for DayZ-players who; hopefully, are a little older. And hopefully these wonderful bandits; I mean people, can take a dislike or two. What do ya think?
  16. Fiskbatch

    Dislike option for comments

    +1 Yet another reason why they should implement it.
  17. Fiskbatch

    Dislike option for comments

    But it's easier to look at the statistics if you have a dislike option. "50 people like it, 50 people dislike it" Then I know what people think of my idea, etc. Maybe comments with a too bad dislike/like ratio will be removed automatically. This would remove comments of spam and what not.
  18. Fiskbatch

    Dislike option for comments

    There is a point in it. "If you dont like it, comment and go" In the same way of thinking one could just remove the like-feature and just comment. I know that this isn't myspace, facebook or w/e, that's exactly what i wrote in my original comment.
  19. Fiskbatch

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

  20. Fiskbatch

    M136 question.

    Well, IRL it's supposed to be reloaded (obviously). Can't see why they would make it 1-shot and throw away.
  21. Fiskbatch

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    That's not gonna happen, ever. Stop asking for it.
  22. it's pretty obvious. if u r going to connect to 10/40 server' date=' it's probably something wrong there. try 40/40 instead [/quote'] Some of us don't want to connect to 40/40 servers, because that means the number of zombies is ridiculous... making it VERY difficult to play... and that's not even MENTIONING the douchebags who live to cause grief for other gamers. I'm guessing you're one of those by your comment. The fewer players on a server, the fewer zombies on that server, and the smaller chance of dying. THAT seems pretty obvious. Jackass. This ain't the Sims yo. The number of zombies total on a server is completely irrelevent to you as a player. Zombies spawn when players get near areas where zombies are capable of spawning. If a 40 person server had every single person go out in the wilderness together where there were no buildlings, there would be no zombies. Zombies spawn as you approach areas that have buildings. The more zombies on a server only tells you that more of the players are in towns and near buildings. It's a good way to tell from a distance if there are players where you are heading, if you see no zombies and they start spawning as you approach...likely means no other players are nearby. The number of zombies that you encounter personally depends on the size of the built up area you are entering, nothing else. ^This It doesn't take much brainzz to figure this out. They despawn when there is noone present and the other way around.