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Everything posted by hyper_goon

  1. hyper_goon

    Chinese Hackers paradise

    Dude, I've literally been looking through the DZSA launcher for 3 days now trying to find servers that will offer a close to Vanilla experience and so far I'm having a lot of trouble finding one. Either they are 1pp only or they have super unrealistic mods like unlimited stamina, no damage to clothing or boots, no poisining, insane loot spawns, no night time, and on and on. So basically we either have to keep playing with hackers or we have to choose private servers that will not give us the Vanilla experience we want. Thanks a fucking lot Bohemia!
  2. hyper_goon

    Chinese Hackers are killing public hive

    Keep making these threads people. Flood the forum with these threads.
  3. hyper_goon

    Chinese Hackers paradise

    I'm not trying to argue with you. I'm sure you're one of the good guys. I also get the vibe that you don't even mess with official servers. I challenge you to just spend one day on one and experience what we have been dealing with and you will see how bad it is. I'm not taking a break. I'm done with the fucking game unless something is done about it or if I get lucky and find a good private 3pp server worth my time.
  4. hyper_goon

    Chinese Hackers paradise

    So what are you saying? The hacking has always been this bad? When I started in December I played for a solid 6 weeks with no issues due to hackers. It seems to have just come out of nowhere in the last month or so and has gotten so bad that you can't get in one good day without being killed or losing everything because of hackers. And that guy above is 110% right, telling us to go host our own servers is such a bullshit cop out. That is NOT the answer. All I want is a good, vanilla experience with 3pp. There are practically NO private servers out there that offer 3pp and a vanilla experience that are populated. I have been looking for days. All the 3pp servers have no Stamina, or crazy loot spawns etc. that make the game too easy. People need to complain about this more, not less. Than maybe people will stop buying the game as a result of "misinformation" as you are claiming.
  5. hyper_goon

    Chinese Hackers paradise

    Sorry dude, your cross-bow is nowhere near as important as the hacker epidemic killing the official servers. This is why WarZ died, because of hackers and shitty Devs who constantly lied to their customers. I can honestly say I hope DayZ dies off too if Bohemia won't treat its customers with some respect, the sooner the better. I gave them $50 in December just to have hours of gameplay stolen from me by these dickless hackers.I refuse to give them another dime no matter what map or add-ons they release and will do my best to dissuade others from buying the game. What a shitty gaming experience this has been.
  6. hyper_goon

    Hacker on PUBLIC Dayz US server (teleporter)

    Check this site out: [snip] [sniiip] Why the fuck won't Bohemia take a similar approach towards these bastards developing these hacks? They are making money off exploiting your product which I'm sure is costing Bohemia money when potential customers decide not to buy DayZ because hackers are ruining it. This is all patehtic af. I've only been playing DayZ for 2 months and am already on the verge of quitting because of this. I would advise anyone considering buying the game not to until something is done about these hackers. And I don't tell us to go play modded servers. WE DON'T WANT TO.
  7. hyper_goon

    Hacker on PUBLIC Dayz US server (teleporter)

    Bohemia doesn't give a shit. The Battleye Devs clearly can't outcode the hackers. Only solution at this point is to boycott the official servers. You can't set up a base or camp anywhere, no matter how well hidden without it being raided within a day or 2. Looting and building up characters is pointless when you just get killed by ghosts. Let the Vanilla servers die.