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Everything posted by spinoabw@hotmail.com

  1. spinoabw@hotmail.com

    Survivor Halloween costume

    That Blackhawk vest isn't the one they use in DayZ at all. Best bet is to get a Molle vest of your color and buy the pouches and attach them.
  2. So my friends tell me my setup is slightly ghetto, but it gets the job done. I have a macbook pro 15 inch I attach to a tv and place on top of a iceblock (keeps it down to 70c instead of 85-90c) with plastic wrap and rags on it to prevent condensation. I've been playing DayZ for 2 months now and it's been working fine the whole time. About a week ago after playing for an hour or two I start getting framerate drops and lag across the board. It presists until I reset my system. What's going on? Any advice? Is playing the game deteriorating my laptop? I'm fairly new to pcgaming so I don't know much about it. Much thanks for the help, -Alex
  3. spinoabw@hotmail.com

    Help with my Deteriorating Performance

    Yeah I'm running boot camp. It's hilarious because I can run BF3 on lowest settings fine but Arma seems to make it take a hit. XD
  4. spinoabw@hotmail.com

    Help with my Deteriorating Performance

    Usually my temps for my cpu get the highest. Mac's seem to be made for form out of function so they don't handle heat well. XD My cpu runs at about 65-75 while playing, and the rest of the components run much lower. Should that deteriorate it? EDIT: My setup
  5. FYI server name was changed to US 9000 over.
  6. spinoabw@hotmail.com

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    I disagree that variety is awesome. However, I do agree that the number of weapons and ammo does need to be drastically lowered.
  7. spinoabw@hotmail.com

    Hacker US 1544

    Check my post.
  8. spinoabw@hotmail.com

    "The Mayor" Server US 1544

    Was driving to pick up my friends on 1544 when suddenly a guy in a ghille spawned next to me. Shot out the tires of my car, and I jumped out and plugged 2 mags into him. He didn't even react and proceded to trash my car. My friend reported a few seconds after and said a dude in a ghille spawned in front of him and killed him. His name was "The Mayor" as tags were on.
  9. I've been playing months solo and I'm bored of it. Sick of it. I've also been trying to find teammates forever and never found any. I need people who want to play. Usually it's got to be around 7pm-3am eastern, but I can do any time. In fact, I could get on right now. I have 2 tents, so we can start building camp immediatly. I can do any server. I jsut want to have fun. Straight up have fun. Banditry, heroic work, medic work, scavenge vehicles, anything! Hit me up plz.
  10. spinoabw@hotmail.com

    Looking for an EXPERIENCED Player with Decent Gear

    Ak's are some of the best guns in the game brah.
  11. spinoabw@hotmail.com

    TRADING! Do you want a M4A1 HWS M203 & FN Fal? - Offers in here.

    Got two tents.
  12. spinoabw@hotmail.com

    Playing Now

    Anyone wanna group up?
  13. If you are interested in joining please fill this application forum and post it in this thread as a reply and I’ll get back to you in a PM A.s.a.p.: Name: Alex Age: 19 In game name: MoHAlixPr Steam Id: MoHAlixPr Desired combat role (Medic, sniper, exc): Anything man! (I suck at sniping though, so probably not that) Why you would like to join (Going to need to do better than simply ‘lookin 4 group’) : Because I'm sick of solo survival, and I'm looking for some true community. What can you offer to the clan: My time most nights from 9 pm eastern to 3 am eastern. Willing to do any menial job.
  14. spinoabw@hotmail.com

    Im that bandit....

    Hey's trolling guys. Move along. Also, COD4 is one of the greatest FPS ever. Note: one of the greatest.
  15. spinoabw@hotmail.com

    SERIOUS Hacks happening.

    Happened to me as well.
  16. spinoabw@hotmail.com

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    People here are dicks. Seriously.
  17. spinoabw@hotmail.com

    Need a medic

    Ok might be about an hour
  18. spinoabw@hotmail.com

    Need a medic

    I am honest.
  19. spinoabw@hotmail.com

    Need a medic

    Be there in a jiffy!
  20. Title says it all! I'm getting on to go vehicle hunting. We can help eachother out. Steam me at my username.
  21. spinoabw@hotmail.com

    Linux/Mac using Wine?

    I just use bootcamp.
  22. spinoabw@hotmail.com

    Fort Gotham (Currently inactive!)

    Do it on a Dayz Sanctuary server.
  23. spinoabw@hotmail.com

    Who's Playing Guitar In Cherno?

    What time do you usually play?
  24. spinoabw@hotmail.com

