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About DarthM0L

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    On the Coast
  1. DarthM0L

    State of the 1.07 Console Issues

    Hello I'm an Xbox player. A few things I've noticed since the 1.07 dropped. When placing items such as barrels,tents, generators the item is not placed where the outline shows. Digging up a stash crashes server. Tried it once and I was alone on my server and it crashed. Opening or accessing your inventory in anyway immediately results in choppy FPS. Tapping your quick wheel button sets the FPS back. So does dropping one of your items equipped to your character and reequipping it off the ground. Reequipping oit of tour hands does not help the FPS. Location does not matter. Next to a base or alone in the middle of the woods. Accessing inventory creates choppy FPS regardless. Regarding the usual FPS drops I have not noticed them get any better or worse. Towns still lag pretty hard but once most of it loads in the FPS seems to stabilize. That being said I am on the original xbox one so I can guarantee that has something to do with the normal FPS drops. The inventory FPS drops have nothing to do with my console or internet or location on map. When dismantling fences (only tried fences) your planks,nails and logs will disappear once you dismantle the base. You can dismantle the walls and frames without nails and planks disappearing but once you dig up the base it all dissapears. Relogging will bring all the items back into view. Hope this helps anyone having issues and the devs get a working fix out.