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About Widowmak3r1989

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  1. hello all, i am wondering and been searching to see if someone has made a mod where when laying the prone you can deploy a bipod or when you're against a surface you can mount a weapon system onto like you can in Arma? it would be a great help if there is one or if someone could point me into the right direction
  2. Widowmak3r1989

    porting Mechanics

    exactly, it should be really. but i want to see if you can make it a mechanic in actually tuning in the radio frequencies on like a military radio (bowman, harris) it would be good so not everyone will be on the same 7/8 channels that can be tuned in
  3. Widowmak3r1989

    porting Mechanics

    Hello all, I just want to pick peoples brains out of the modding community. Is there anyway of making a mod to port the arma 3 mechanics to Dayz? in the sense of the radio. on arma you can tune the radios in by typing a frequency in on SR and LR radios. Also the mechanic instead of having the radio constantly transmitting you have to actually push to talk while using it. cheers
  4. Widowmak3r1989

    Dayz mod Xbox

    I like the sound of that as the one size fits all concept is stupid. IRL you wouldnt use one size for everything. Also there shouldnt be much conflict in building like on slopes as in IRL youd adjust the fence/wall to accommodate the angle of the slope. The BBP is a great idea as it opens up the building variety to include bricks, cement, roofs, windows, doors. They have bricks in game as they are scattered round construction sites. they could add it in like they do with plank piles. it would be a nice change to see what you can build with bricks, walls, roofs, doors and windows instead of the wooden fortresses built round the map.
  5. Widowmak3r1989

    Dayz mod Xbox

    I like the idea of new variety of existing stuff. I wish they could implement something along the lines of BBP (base building plus) that mod would open up a lot more to base building. Also id like to see more variety of camo's they have flektarn and DPM camos in the boonie and assault packs but nothing else. would like them to be added into combat jackets. Also I like the clothing from that link you posted. That would bring more of an apocalyptic feel to the game. The trader UI id like to add in or give us a map editor app like they have on steam so that I can edit the server the way my community on our server would like. As we are a RP server we have a story line and in that story line a number of the population have created a community in a town which has been walled off and has a police force as well. This was annoying for us as it took us forever to build fences round the whole town and flag poles just to keep the fences there. If we had a map editor so we could place buildings or walls or whatever round the map that would be great. instead of having the server lag like hell due to the fences been built for the town. But like i said i like your ideas and wish they would listen to the console community and implement some of the ideas we all have
  6. Widowmak3r1989

    Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    I was on the Xbox experimental servers last night and went into the police station at Grishno and found a box of 5.56 on the floor and found loose 5.56 in a police jacket that was also on the floor. I hope this helps with your question
  7. Widowmak3r1989

    Xbox Experimental Update 1.12 (Changelog)

    Not a bad update. Gutted that the damage to AI from barbed wire has been taken out. As this was good for defending an actual base. Still no mention on when we will get full access to Int.C files for community servers though, its been 10/11 months since it was last mentioned by devs that it will come in the future soon but still no even a word of a timescale of when.
  8. Widowmak3r1989

    DayZ in 2021

    As a server owner on console. I'm all up for new weapons, mechanics, ect but the main thing I think and seen that we should have on console is the full access to server files (I know its a constant topic on FB modding pages and forums). as a suggestion. I've talked to the admins on our server and other people in the community about if we had access and could download the files via Nitrado like we do using the xml. files we could if possible get Dayz tools via direct download we could upload the Nitrado files to the programme and edit what we want. Then able to download the finished files so it could be uploaded to Nitrado that would be perfect. As its frustrating to have to spawn buildings in as an event instead of being able to place or remove buildings or what ever via the Missing files. As I'd like to edit some of the terrain on my server so it spices the server up for the community who play on my server. As I've had suggestions about what the community that play on the server what or like added or removed in the server. I'm not asking about having modding to the extent of PC where you can have helicopters and all sorts of mad mods. Just full access to where we can edit the terrain, change the weather like rain on or off and what items a freshie spawns in with. That's all I and many other people (Console server owners) are asking for. It was stated on the offical Dayz Twitter feed 9 months ago that console owners would get full access to their server files (Init.c, ect) in future updates but still no word or hint to when. Apart from that the roadmap sounds good. But I'll take it with a pinch of salt after last years road map wasn't fulfilled.
  9. Widowmak3r1989

    Base building

    Hello, I've been playing Dayz since just after release and i got my own server a couple of weeks ago with some friends and built a base. I found the big castle to the left of the map next to the village of Bogatyrka and wanted to start building there as I've seen people build there on Streams before. But when we came to build there the game wont let us build hardly any fences even on flat ground. Can anyone explain why it can be done on other verisons but not on Xbox? Thanks Widowmak3r1989
  10. Widowmak3r1989

    Vehicle question for Xbox

    Hello everyone, Sorry if this is in the wrong section, but i need a little advise. I have a private server on Xbox, and i was going through the file manager section and seen that the transit bus and v3s with parts in the types section but was zeroed out. i changed the numbers will this now make the vehicles spawn or do i have add anything else in? thanks Widowmak3r1989