Hey, so i've been wanting to get DayZ for about 5 years now, always got deterred at the last moment from other's opinions and my monetary situation and the weekend of 15-16 of this month there was a free play and 40% discount weekend so i played like a madman and i wanted to buy the game so bad but i didn't have the money at the right time, then the day after i recieved an email saying that PS4 players will get the discount starting from 18th all the way to the 4th wich is a total of 2 weeks, a lot more time that Pc users had, and if the PC discount would have continued as much as the PS4 discount i could have bought the game since i would've had the money and it would be in discount.
To most of you it will probably look like pointless bitching and whining but not everyone can buy whatever they want whenever they want, and this line of events really hit me hard and left me thinking: sh*t, when will i be able to buy this game, its been so long and i really want it.
And then recieving the email saying that PS4 player will have the discount for a whole 2 weeks made it feel very unfair: why can they have so much time to buy the game and plus, it falls right at the perfect moment so the end of the month is here and everyone gets paid. I could also be able to get the game i've been wanting to play all theese years.
TL;DR: PS4 players have 2 weeks of discount and it falls right at the end of the month when we get paid, i also want, as a PC player, to have a discount at the end of the month so i can get the game after all this time.
Well, i think i said all i felt like saying, guess i will go back to wait for ,i guess, again several months until the next discount and hope it doesn't fall smack dab in the middle of the month so i can buy the game once and for all.
PS: Yes, i feel envious that the PS4 players have this much discount time and that it falls right when we get paid.
Yes, im bitching a whole lot, this makes me feel sad that i can't get the game, again, its been a very long time and the game has improved a lot, hence making me want the game so bad this time around.
Don't bother commenting if yourr answer will resemble something like: "Get a job" or "Save up money" or the likes, its been 5 years, think i haven't done anything in all this time? Remember that every life is different and has different circumstances.