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Everything posted by lvw06

  1. lvw06

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    Game. You obviously did not understand anything so ... But coming from this forum I am not surprised ... I do not own a server! I'm talking about the private servers on while there is an incredible number of cheaters and many of us are seeing and trying to report !! I'm talking about TheRunningManz, WFR RU Vanilla EU 1PP and 3PP, Podpivas, Maslenok, Mxs Vanilla, Karmakrew 2.0 servers and I'm certainly forgetting some more! The fashionable cheat at the moment on all these servers is the ability to teleport to a specific location or the classic Wallhack and especially the great classic of the moment: the detection radar. These cheaters don't even hide and openly have their cheating. Obviously very few here will recognize that cheating exists on DayZ. So I repeat to them: If it bothers you so much that it's being reported right here It's because you use these cheats yourself and you are cheaters yourself. Priority number 1: Ban all these players and do the necessary as was done on Rainbow Six siege when the cheating became massive as is the case on DayZ today. To those who will not agree with my words, no need to answer me, your opinion does not interest me and you are for me nothing but vermin who can not play without cheating and that should definitely be eradicated from the game .
  2. lvw06

    Experimental Update 1.11 (Changelog)

    Still nothing concerning an effective anti-cheat and which would finally make it possible to eradicate the cheaters which are in very large number on private servers (Runningmanz, WFR RU and many others) ...
  3. lvw06

    Christmas Wish List

    one wish is enough, this being a big problem that has never been worked on and taken seriously.
  4. lvw06

    Christmas Wish List

    Operate Battleye or find another anti cheat. The private servers are more and more filled with cheaters who now no longer even hide the fact that they are cheaters. Their cheating is becoming more and more incredible. Cheating software is too easily accessible and usable, this must be stopped. This is the top priority today!
  5. lvw06

    Stable Update 1.10

    Again a huge concentration of cheaters on private servers and in very large numbers on "Runningmanz livonia". I should clarify in advance that there are two of us who have seen the same thing at the same time and died the same way. 3 lives, 3 cheaters who teleport to me or fly hack. The number 1 priority is there, to eradicate cheating !! Otherwise the players will end up leaving this game. Spend 3 hours looting to take an headshot of a guy that appears or disappears as he wants and in various places depending on the movements we make, that gets really boring. For those who still don't believe it, search google and see how easily it is possible to cheat with software that is obviously completely undetectable. Battleye AT WORK NOW !!! Bohemia, DO WHAT IS NECESSARY to eradicate this cancer !!
  6. You're right, stay in denial! Well-managed private servers? where ? DayOne? Filled with cheaters! WFR RU? Filled with cheaters! You want more ? Your well-managed private servers, and again I ask to see ..., are the ones polluted by bases and traders and look like everything but DayZ. Priority number 1 today, solving the problem of cheating in large numbers. Not to recognize that is perhaps to have an interest in it?
  7. People want to be able to use a car on private servers that are full of cheaters .... What logic and what a sense of priorities! It is hopeless...
  8. The vehicles are working well. The priority is to eradicate the cheaters who are in incredible numbers on private servers. Only on WFR RU Vanilla EU, a server easily filled with 80% of players who cheat and who do not hide it, it's a festival ... Today this cheating problem must be treated first as the priority priorities.
  9. lvw06

    Stable Update 1.09

    They said the same on Rainbow six siege before the anti-cheat was activated. We know the rest ... How many bans per minute by the way ?? 😂😆
  10. lvw06

    Stable Update 1.09

    1 player lost because of cheating is already too much. Many never played DayZ again and moved on to other games. DayZ doesn't deserve this, this game would be really perfect without the cheating
  11. lvw06

    Stable Update 1.09

    There are cheaters on both official and private servers. do not refuse to see reality. They are killing the game.
  12. lvw06

    Stable Update 1.09

    Ah! Obviously talking about hacking and cheaters does not please you! Maybe because you find it interesting? How can we be so blind to the sheer number of cheaters or not complain about it ??? Here is a forum man! If you can't give your opinion here or talk about reality and what's going on, there's no point in having a forum. Now if the topic of hacking bothers you, you don't read the topic, you don't comment. I repeat about cheaters: At work !!
  13. lvw06

    Stable Update 1.09

    September 19, 2020: in practice still nothing concrete. Beautiful words have had their day, now it's time for action!
  14. lvw06

    Stable Update 1.09

    I understand you completely ... But let, here on this forum they are completely in denial. They do not want to see reality in the face nor admit that this game is full of cheaters and hackers on official servers but also and especially on private servers !! Reminds me of Rainbow Six Siege in its early days where we used to hear people say, "No that's wrong, there are no cheaters and hackers, you are inventing! What balls are falling from the sky? Through a wall? You are inventing ! " Battleye release day: 4000 banns in barely 1 hour ... Seen in part by all players! No hackers, no cheaters you said? It will be the same on DayZ the day they decide to finally activate the anticheat!
  15. lvw06

    Stable Update 1.09

    I ask again: When will a real anticheat be released? Here is a current scene of a French streamer that I watch and who also plays him on a server where I also played, on a private server (WFR RU eu vanilla). 70% of cheaters on it and nothing is done. Karmakrew and Runningmanz equally infested with cheaters too. Really do something !!! https://clips.twitch.tv/CrowdedNiceToadPicoMause
  16. The real emergency now is to stop cheating and glitches on public servers and also private servers, full of cheaters in large quantities! At work !
  17. lvw06

    Stable Update 1.08

    What's going on with the mosin and 7.62x54 ? Has his damage been reduced? Before it allowed to kill in a bullet, now it takes 2 or 3 ! Please restore damage as before, thx !
  18. lvw06

    Official servers all players use Hack!!!!

    do not think that there are no cheaters on private servers !! Some are full of them! Lots of glitchers and cheaters! As on RunningManZ or WFR RU Vanilla EU for example ... And I am not the only one to have denounced the questionable practices of these servers and their admins !! Bohemia, battleye help us !!
  19. lvw06

    Experimental Update 1.08

    Same problem for me since the last update! Restarting the game does not change anything and always stamina it to a minimum ... And, for developers, what is planned to really fight against the increasingly present cheaters? battleye doesn't seem to be doing her job properly and the public servers are full of cheats of all kinds: speedrun, players who make loot appear on the coast and its full stuff in a few seconds ... well others. Thank you !
  20. lvw06

    Cheater on public server

    I too have just encountered this problem, exactly the same, in the same place, same server (DayZ NL 3663873 public). A player (or rather a cheater) who spawns in front of me, full ghillie, with what looks like a VSD or an M4 in hand, who shoots in the air and whose ball hits you directly. When will cleaning be done to eradicate these cheaters cancers ???
  21. lvw06

    Micro freezes

    I come back here to give some news and especially to tell you that this evening I managed to find the origin of the problem and to solve it. Almost completely by chance, by the way. Let me explain briefly, do you ever know maybe it will be useful for some. I was going to reset Windows 10 as a last resort, when I remembered having moved all my Win10 personal directories (Documents, images, music etc ...) to my 2nd hard drive "tray". D:. So I re-moved the Documents directory to his original location (where Windows originally created it) on my drive in SSD. BINGO !! No more freeze! For some strange reason, when you kill, or exit your inventory by pressing TAB, the game accesses your DayZ directory which is in "Documents". If like me for the sake of lack of space on the SSD you move all these Windows personal directories on your tray disk (because generally much more space on it ...) and well concerning DayZ this will cause you a problem which obviously often accesses in game to the config files found in Documents\DayZ! For proof, in the Windows performance tab, looking at the graphics of the GPU and the hard drive tray, indeed the GPU load drops (from 100% to 47%) correspond to the second close to a peak in the use of the hard drive (0% to 45%). Here, if it can help some!
  22. lvw06

    Micro freezes

    Hello ! I'm coming to you today because I have a problem that I can't solve and that only happens when playing DayZ. Indeed, in play, I have regular micro-freezes, certainly not very annoying but which I would like to get rid of. This happens especially during a kill (1 kill out of 3 or 4 approximately) whether it is a kill of a zombie or a survivor, but also when I go into the inventory and come out. At this precise moment at the end of the inventory, a small freeze of one second occurs. If I kill a zombie it's the same thing, which means that at the moment when "he dies" I don't have the animation of his body falling to the ground. I see my hand-to-hand weapon reach his head for example then a freeze of a second and once the freeze is finished the body is on the ground. I have searched a lot but to no avail. I noticed during a game and going to the task manager of windows 10 (by doing Ctrl + alt + delete and performance tab) that my GPU had stalls at the same time of freeze. I go from 100% GPU use to 47% then it goes back up to 100% immediately. So at that time I questioned my graphics card which is also new! (Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 ti). So I tested with a graphics card (Nvidia Geforce GTX 980), taking care to uninstall the old one completely and reinstall the drivers with a new installation. Latest Nivida 442.19 drivers for both cards. Verdict: Total failure, always the same behavior and the same freezes that occur at the same time and especially in the same situations. (exit from inventory by pressing TAB or during a kill of a zombie or survivor if I have not killed another for 2 or 3 mns.) My PC tower is healthy, ventilated box, antivirus windows defender integrated in windows 10 updated, intel processor i7 6700k cooled in Watercooling, little heating after checks, 32 GB of RAM 2133mhz, Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660ti with latest drivers, DayZ is installed on a Samsung SSD drive. Iiyama 144Hz screen, Cougar 700w power supply. All I could notice strange during long enough games is that the game is ultra greedy in graphics card resources! I note that the GPU is nonstop at 100% (Whether with the 1660ti or the 980) but especially the RAM of the graphics card is used and does not empty. As the game progresses, the dedicated GPU memory usage increases until saturation. At the end of 30mns of game the 6go of memory of my 1660ti are used almost 100% !!! (5.7 GB used on 6 GB of GPU memory ...) Same on my GTX 980. A friend has a PC but laptop for him, his Nvidia GTX 1070 does not behave at all like that with a 100% graphics processor without stopping, for him it always fluctuates between 65 and 85% and his GPU memory usage does not increase without going down during the game. Ditto on Twitch, many players / streamers do not have this problem. I also tested in the Nvidia settings the power management mode by setting to "favor maximum performance", without success. So if this problem is known and someone has this problem or has a solution or a start of track, I would be very grateful. Thank you in advance for your help !
  23. lvw06

    Micro freezes

    Well I do not despair of having an answer or a start of track to find a solution. I continue my research, I just tested all my config with the OCCT software, everything is OK no hardware problem. So it doesn't come from there. I also tested with and without Freesync / G-Sync. There also no change. Always these ****** freezes every 30 sec if I go out of my inventory wherever I kill a zombie / survivor. At that time, my GPU which is 100% suddenly drops to 47% and goes up immediately. This sudden fall causes me to freeze for about one second. It becomes painful and I start to wonder if it does not come simply from the game which is very badly optimized and buggy ... But why my 2nd PC which is a laptop does not have this symptom, nor many other players ? I'm a bit lost ... Gentlemen of Bohemia, HELP! Thanks in advance !!! 😤😥
  24. lvw06

    Micro freezes

    Hello @Greensek ! Are you aware of this kind of problem as described in my original post? Perhaps for certain computer configurations and in certain specific cases? I didn't have it in 1.05. I have been looking for a solution since 1.06 and thought that this should also be the case for everyone. Oddly, on my 2nd PC which is a laptop, no problem and obviously many players do not have it either. If you have a lead or the beginning of a solution I would be very grateful to you because I really tried everything that was possible and unimaginable. Big thanks in advance!
  25. lvw06

    Micro freezes

    Hello ! Already, a huge thank you for your response !! If ever what I write is not very clear, please excuse me, I only speak French and I use the Google translator to answer you 😉 Regarding the first 2 points that you advised me to check, I have not tried it yet and I will do it right away. For the last point, yes I looked in the BIOS, no problem there, I'm fine at 2133 MHz. What is crazy and that I do not understand is that with my 2nd PC which is a recent ASUS Rog laptop but which is a little less powerful, I have absolutely no problem. It is inexplicable! I keep you posted and thank you again for responding! ☺️ EDIT : I just checked the cache of my SSD, no problem, it was activated by default. So I immediately tested the game by whitelisting the DayZ and Dayz.exe folder as you advised me. No Change unfortunately. I have the impression to be the only one to have these freezes, it is really embarrassing even if it is not unplayable. ☹️