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Everything posted by lvw06
So we will have to learn to read or at least to read better! The admins accomplices yes I repeat, they exist, and they are those and only those who manage the servers that I mentioned above in one of my first posts. I'm not going to rewrite them again just go back to the beginning of the topic and read. When a server administrator does not do his job as an administrator properly on cheating issues of which he is aware, yes it is a fault! And he becomes an accomplice since he accepts the crime and does not do what is necessary to eradicate the source of the crime. Right from the start of this topic you've been basically letting off steam on me (who usually denounces cheating) rather than trying to shake things up and go my way and that ultimately benefits us all. You preferred to tap on the victims of the cheat rather than on the cheat itself to summarize! And those who reacted against me rather than against cheating, did so because they are server administrators and they felt targeted. I play on GermanDayz! I am on your server, yes! Have I criticized YOUR management? NO ! I haven't had a complaint about your server yet and haven't seen any cheaters there yet. (Maybe because there aren't a lot of players on it? Cheaters tend to go on heavily populated servers). But don't make your case a generality! What happens at home does not go so well elsewhere. Check out Karmakrew for example! It is edifying ... And to finish since we continue to debate on the proofs that should be provided, I believe that those who asked for it did not have to ask me. How are they qualified to judge better than me what is cheating or not? However, I had explained very clearly the scene that we were 2 to have lived, it was clear enough to realize that yes, there is indeed a cheating problem. I have enough experience on DayZ and I don't need my words to be validated or not. I know how to recognize a normal death or a death coming from a cheater. Finally, be aware that 90% of players on any game do not register their game. So again, asking for proof ... It makes me laugh!
Poor player who starts on DayZ. See where you've just come in? In a community that denies the cheat and goes after those who want to denounce it. Welcome to Dayz and its toxic community. This forum will have shown you to what extent it is forbidden to denounce a fact and to want to make things happen. You will have seen how you get lynched when you refuse to provide an element that does not have to be verified anyway. Evidence of what? And why do ? To tell yourself that you are inventing anyway, that you are lying and that you are wrong. They will always think they are more qualified than you about what is right and wrong. While in reality they know nothing about it. Welcome to the DayZ community, the one that defends cheating by closing its eyes! 😥
And that ??? Is that my fault, no doubt? And this is a random example! There is more performer with each passing day. But you're right it's my fault! 😄
You were there ? Did you see the message? Have you seen the non-response and the ban? Again like from the start here with your friends of the pack, you talk without knowing and saying it's a lie. And you are surprised that we answer you badly? One thing is certain: you do not want this to change!
ok, that's good, go back to sleep my boy. You didn't understand anything. It has already been done and without follow-up since banned. As for here on this forum, I will continue as long as it takes as long as you and your little friends in this topic will continue to support cheaters. They are the cheaters who must be having a good laugh right now reading your bullshit. So good night !
Easy: You weren't there, you didn't see anything but you are sure you have the truth. Change nothing you're a champion you! 😆 Finally we wonder why Battleye exists? Since there are no cheaters ... Come on I leave you to face your denial of reality and I wish you good fun with your teleports, your magic balls and your ESP! 😄
ok so I summarize: I am a liar, I have more hours of play than you but I do not know how to play and I do not know the game, to kill 2 guys at the same time without any possibility of seeing them is possible and quite normal. No the cheat does not exist because "me McWendy, I have never been killed strangely" or rather: "as I do not know how to recognize a cheater it is what that does not exist", in short continues to be so dumb and blind and keep playing your game and your servers which are more like a wizarding contest than anything else! Last thing, if you search on google as I did there are a lot of forums specializing in cheating for Dayz, go take a look, I learned a lot of things there and especially what I saw and what I dreaded it actually existed. The best way to know your enemy is to know what he is doing and how he is doing it. So good luck on your wizard servers. I'm stopping there because you're wasting my time. Kisses the blind man!
Welcome to the online game? But do you think I just started? I started in there most certainly well before you, you are not going to teach me anything. For the last time what you're telling me, that's not what happened! Inside a windowless building you are going to explain to me how to be headshot, without shooting, without impact, because YES when you die there is a sound of impact! Without death animation when falling backwards or forwards, with instant black screen. Once again you are sure you are right about something suspicious that you did not see! It's called an instant kill command! Are you all waiting for me to give links here to sites that sell these cheats or forums that explain like instant kill, so I get banned from here? Is that your tactic? So I repeat, your coordination story is not what happened. End of story with you, no need to answer me.
1: Obviously I have just explained it to you and you still do not understand. I WAS BANNED FROM A DISCORD FOR SIMPLY ASKING FOR THE EXAMINATION OF A SUSPICIOUS DEATH WHICH WAS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. How do you want me to provide you with a video that I didn't record or a screenshot from several weeks ago? Are you completely stupid or are you on purpose not to understand? So because you can't see the proof it's impossible for that to happen? So that's the exact definition of what denial of reality is. "I didn't see it with my own eyes or it didn't happen to me, so it doesn't exist." 2: Who are you to tell me to get out of here? I return the statement to you: If the subject of the cheat that exists bothers you, get out of here!
I am a bona fide player and my word should not be questioned. I know exactly what it's like to die from a legit fight and when it isn't. We are 2 to be sure that these two deaths without being unconscious could not arrive and even more where we were. In 1.12 with a blaze or a Mosin it's a minimum of 3 bullets and sometimes even more, to kill a full stuff, which we were at that time. This is 1.12 today! Your coordination story is the only wacky argument you have for denying the cheating on Dayz. I know what I saw and I wish it hadn't happened! Here you all have only one thing to discredit me: the fact that my games are not recorded. It serves you well! And yes, the experience of online gambling means something, recognizing what is normal and what is not!
I'm an average gamer but unlike many here I have a lot of online gaming experience and more hours of Dayz play than most! I have other things to do than record my games! And they are 7 times out of 10 ruined by cheats! Is that what you call paranoia ?! Guys like you I saw a lot of them on Rainbow Six siege shortly after its release! Who accused those who denounced the cheat of paranoia! Result: Release of the anti-cheat, the same day, tens of thousands of cheat banners in a few hours! Ubisoft had at least realized the problem unlike Bohemia! Yes I blame some of the server admins! Did you imagine for a second that they might not all be as honest as you? Didn't that cross your mind for a single moment ??? When you report a player teleporting in front of you, use a speed hack, or obviously use another cheat, and you create a ticket on the server discord for it to be reviewed and the only response you get is a ban on discord, it's called complicity on the part of the admins! And they have the tools to see what happened, with the details we give them! Stop pretending blind you're getting ridiculous! Damn but go somewhere other than YOUR server to see how it goes !! You are completely disconnected from reality!
So why are they the first to be aggressive, to come like a pack of wolves, as soon as someone dares to say what is taboo on this forum: the cheat is massive on Dayz! Funny behavior! And the most ridiculous is their arguments to these little funny ones: "Me, I've never seen cheaters so it doesn't exist" or "I died strangely, I don't know if it was a cheater, so if I do not know, it is because it does not exist ". Yes here, many deny the obvious and don't want that to change on Dayz. We all really stand to gain if the game is cleaner. Weird that it bothers so much. Which leaves me to think that the cheating on this game is really ultra massive!
And you ? Why don't you provide evidence to the contrary? Why do you feel so targeted like that on a subject which initially for the author did not concern you? Strange that you are so disturbed by this subject! Do you have something to hide ?? YES, when an admin doesn't do what is necessary to eradicate the large amount of cheaters on his server and turns a blind eye to what's going on, it's called complicity, my boy! No proof to provide, this is called the obvious! Whether you like it or not! Take a look at WFR RU Vanilla EU, you'll understand! OK, kiss !
No ! False! What you say is not what happened! There was no coordination! So you deny that my teammate and I were victims of cheaters! Public server DE1486 and the same on DayOne! The public server emptied in a few days and we knew that we were going to be the next victims of one or more cheaters of this server. It is impossible today in 1.12 and being full stuff, gorka helmet and plate carrier, to die together in the same second and without falling unconscious, having no death animation with only the black screen "you are dead ". Anyway, other players have already denounced this server on reddit, so we are not the only ones to have had a suspicious death. What you are saying is what you would like to happen on a normal server. the reality is much dirtier and you refuse to admit it! One wonders why....
In addition to being part of the pack which encourages the cheat on Dayz you allow yourself to ridicule facts that therefore you have not lived unlike me. I have 3500 hours of play and in general there are 2 of us taking completely impossible kills! Shots through the walls in the middle of nothing, cheaters who teleport, bullets falling from the sky, last night on DayOne again, it was 1 single shot and we both die at the same time being full stuff, boring carrier, assault helmet and without even falling unconscious. I do not even see why I am discussing with a jerk like you since in each topic you will come to assert the opposite of what I claim for the sole reason that YOU have not seen any cheaters or rather that you did not want to see them. This game is full of cheaters whether you like it or not, the NO admins do not do their job and are therefore accomplices, no need to provide evidence for such evidence! Hours of play for honest players, devastated by the cheat, that's the reality. You are just a small handful on this forum to refuse to admit it, one wonders why? ... Go instead on google and do a search for the cheat on dayz, to see the number of sites and forums that allow cheating. Go educate yourself! Unless these sites you already know them, like obviously a lot of this forum ?? MMmm ??
you want a proof ? Now go to the Spaggies EU Chernarus server. Stop refusing to see reality! Unless trying to prevent the cheat bothers you? You don't want to be able to stop you from playing. Is it so complicated for you to play without a cheat? What is the exact reason?
The time to provide proof is over! The facts are there. Go to the WFR RU vanilla EU server and you will have proof of it. Always the same people here who don't want to see reality even when more and more people see it ...
Unfortunately, as long as Bohemia doesn't do anything and Battleye is the devs chosen by the developers, there will be no improvement. Cheating is more and more massive, both on official and private servers. My teammate and I have been victims of it again in recent days. Officially and on private servers such as: Karmakrew, Spaggies EU, WFR RU Vanilla EU (the worst of all that one ...) As well as DayOne Livonia. Do not believe those who say to avoid public servers and go to private ones so that everything is fine and there are no cheaters. This is bullshit and sometimes it is worse, with the approval of the admins!
There are times when it feels good to let off steam on a topic that many people here don't want to acknowledge. But you are right, at work Battleye !! As you did for R6 Siege at one time. I'll leave it there but please stop saying that the number 1 priority of this game is to fix the cars. It becomes indecent. Thank you and good game to you.
I died in exactly the same way on Electro a few days ago, on the Spaggies EU server ... But otherwise everything is fine, the cheat on private servers does not seem to exist ...😆🤨🤐🤫
Completely true! And I experienced the same thing on their discord! To believe that those who take care of the Dicscord also cheat and that they do not like to be told that they have been seen cheating. Server full of cheaters with the examples I mentioned above, teleportation etc ... Same thing on WFR RU and especially Karmakrew, it is also the festival of cheat and magic. Anyone here who says there is no cheat is actually bothered that we are talking about this subject because they themselves are cheaters. It's that simple. They prefer to deflect the problem and prioritize on the destructible bases and they want to make indestructible and on the flying cars, woowww what a high priority for Dayz the flying cars! It was the same problem with Rainbow Six Siege ...
Unfortunately no, cheaters will still be able to have fun for a long time. Also note that it is not only on public servers that the cheat is present! But also and a lot on servers such as Spaggies, WFR RU vanilla and Karmakrew. These 3 are really to be avoided if you don't want to die from a bullet falling from the sky, a player who magically teleports to you or kills you through multiple walls of a building. 3 servers where cheating is allowed. And I am not the only one to have suffered the consequences. Good luck because the subject of the cheat on Dayz is taboo ...
And still nothing concerning the anticheat and the sanctions against the cheaters which are in great number on the official servers and especially on the private servers! Hackers still have a bright future ahead of them ...
Exact ! You are right, it also exists! I forgot to mention this type of cheating.