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Everything posted by JohnatanBrandao

  1. JohnatanBrandao

    Community Spotlight - February 2022

    I understand the company's commitment and I hope it's not putting pressure on it, I apologize for the question
  2. JohnatanBrandao

    Community Spotlight - February 2022

    When will we have an in-game killfeed? or an app for that?
  3. JohnatanBrandao

    Community Spotlight - February 2022

    When can we use Community-Online-Tools in the console? or any other tool created by the company?
  4. JohnatanBrandao

    Console Update 1.14

    Server does not load scenario and player. PS4 NITRADO!
  5. JohnatanBrandao

    Update 1.14 Xbox Experimental (Change Log)

    Por algum motivo, fui impedido de postar a imagem no fórum, gosto muito do jogo, mas acho que meu trabalho é nulo e, embora me esforce, os consoles nunca vão chamar a atenção da empresa, então me afasto do dayz como um ADM de uma comunidade que possui muitos jogadores de todo o mundo, e desejo boa sorte à empresa. Amo minha comunidade e trabalhei muito com ela, mas dessa forma é impossível se sustentar. #Brazil
  6. JohnatanBrandao

    Update 1.14 Xbox Experimental (Change Log)

    It's absurd to depend on NITRADO, these are the daily problems of PS4/XBOX console servers, I would like to ask the creators that users could create their own servers without the need for a company behind them, they always say that the problem is with the machine and that it will change for another and the problem continues, in this way bohemia interact will end the company little by little. An unknown error occurred. Please try again later or call the support team at US: +1 775-321-2102.
  7. JohnatanBrandao

    Update 1.14 Xbox Experimental (Change Log)

    Add RECON on Xbox / PS4 Nitrated servers or ADMIN password, console admins are totally forgotten, but remember, community server admins we are pleasing console gamers and doing our best to keep gamers active on the platform, it would be unfair limit that way. We would like to have full access to the Xbox PS4 Nitrado server and we pay for it, it's only fair that it works as it should. Or allow us to create a gameserver using a physical machine so that we don't have those abusive limitations of Nitrated that just follow the order of Bohemia interactive.
  8. JohnatanBrandao

    1.14 Experimental Release

    Adding init.c to consoles seems like an impossible task for Bohemia interactive, so what's the difficulty in adding a creative mode for PS4/XBOX community servers ADM? we pay monthly for the cost of rented servers and we don't have any editing resources, we always try to improve dayz for consoles by pleasing gamers so that they feel good with the game even limited, I believe all console community servers feel frustrated with this , and although my comment will be ignored as always, the Ps4/Xbox "Nitred servers" community needs a lot of attention regarding this, I'm absolutely sure that even limited with creative mode we can create a wonderful game pleasing to consoles, I understand which won't respond or just ignore it, but please release creative mode or init.c
  9. JohnatanBrandao

    Update 1.14 Xbox Experimental (Change Log)

    When will you release init.c for consoles?
  10. JohnatanBrandao

    Init.c request for Playstation and Xbox

    I'm disconnecting from nitrado for lack of init.c, thanks in advance for everything and the team bohemia studios GAME SERVER: [BR] CANIBAIS
  11. JohnatanBrandao

    Init.c request for Playstation and Xbox

    Dayz for PS XBOX are boring, the only way to meet this need is with a tool that allows us to edit the map in general, change things so that it is more attractive for PS XBOX players, so I kindly ask you to make available ( init.c) give us a chance please, we need this or many servers to be closed due to lack of motivation to the ADMS, no need to add mods, just allow us to edit the scenario and create events between the servers, I really believe that the company will do its utmost to send us init.c
  12. JohnatanBrandao

    Console Update 1.07

    I know that my post will not be considered, but there is less chance that you will review my order, I would very much like to have the (INIT.C) [CONSOLES PS4-XBOX] file or any type of tool available to edit the players' inventory, this is enough for everyone (ADMIN). only that! I hope my appeal is answered, this tool is very important.
  13. JohnatanBrandao

    Console Update 1.07
