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About Elderflower

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    On the Coast

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  1. Elderflower

    Console Update 1.10

    Very good patch! 😎👍 The survival elements such as the temperature changes and improvised shelters are phenomenal. On screen UI icons are easier to understand. All those mechanics: altitude, thermal energy transference from fires, water absorbency of clothing and wind chill are a pieces of the survival puzzle now solved. Love the direction this fantastic game is taking as the definitive survival experience not to be missed. Thank you Bohemia for the tremendous amount of work enhancing Dayz this year. Each patch has brought it closer to perfection. See you next year!
  2. Elderflower

    DayZ on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S

    I'm buying a PS5 when it is released this week in Europe. And am buying one specifically because of Dayz, believe it or not, with the potential of increased frame rates (60fps) is what I am most eager to experience. Of course, I am also going to buy BI's other game Vigor when it is available. This is what 'next generation' means to me.
  3. Elderflower

    Console Update 1.09

    The Central Loot Economy alterations in 1.09 are very welcome. PVE is now closer to hardcore survival which is why I originally bought Dayz and the Livonia DLC. I am not a Military sim kind of person, but survival absolutely. I only play on official because I want to play the game precisely how BI intended it to be. Loot now stays on the ground for much longer, as a result, random items can be discovered just anywhere that makes the maps feel inhabited and more alive than ever before. General loot is scarce although food can be found easily. This forces players to move ever farther inland towards the next village, town or cities. For instance, NWAF is not the goal anymore on Chernarus; it is simply another stop along the way. Consequently, there is now more activity all over the map. I have seen more base raiding for loot, even though base raiding is more complicated. And more encounters in cities and towns as players attempt to gather useful resources. This much need change is exactly the sort of balancing BI have been working on throughout 2020. So, thank you to the developers who are continuing to do a sterling job.
  4. Elderflower

    Console Update 1.08

    Congratulations to the whole team for implementing hotfix 1.19 for consoles (PS4) it is a marvel. The performance issues have been completely resolved. It is as if they never existed. There are now no frame drops while navigating the map; it runs perfectly. Thank you so much BI. There couldn't be a better time for new players to come and enjoy Dayz. 👍
  5. Elderflower

    Console Update 1.08

    I wanna say the infected in Dayz have been much improved, that needs to be said; Fewer but more deadly infected is what I wanted to see so many thanks to the devs who worked on that side of the new update. The pedestrian trails through the countryside now also look better. The lighting especially sun rays are spot on. The sound has been rebalanced somehow which makes hearing our characters, the ambient soundscape and nearest other players/animals more easier on the ear. I generally like this update, and am back to playing 5-6 hrs daily again. Now a couple of minor blips: I said before that the fps has dropped on the last update. I dunno why but I think it is a significant problem. I know it isn't my internet that's for sure. It needs some work either way. At least until the release of an enhanced/remastered Dayz for PS5. Yes, I will buy Dayz on PS5 as soon as you guys decide when. I am ready for it. Lastly, I want to reiterate my absolute commitment to continuing to support BI's solid work with Dayz on console. It is a long road ahead, however, nothing is remotely as good as Dayz at capturing this unique experience which is for me the high point of FPS games. PS: Rabbits please!
  6. Elderflower

    State of the 1.07 Console Issues

    First, thank you for the recent announcement about the latest fix for consoles following 1.07 update. I downloaded it today, and I've noticed some noticeable improvements. I do realise how complex a game like Dayz so I have every sympathy with the developers who are doing their level best to find workable solutions I only find the inconsistent fps drops a significant issue since the update. It is apparently happening whenever I open the inventory menu (the PS4 the touch pad) and scroll through items. When I subsequently close the menu fps begins to suddenly fall. By pressing R1 bumper immediately before I close the menu the fps problem is seeming gone and I can continue until I reopen the menu. Also, it appears whenever check an item in the surrounding vicinity, for example a berry bush or backpack. I think that it is either the reworked inventory or new lighting. For the time being, I am using the above method to play throughout. I can tolerate a lot of gliches and/or bugs in video games, after all there is no perfect coding as errors can and do occur regularly, but I could see how this is especially bothersome to new players who are joining Dayz. Still, I won't ever stop supporting Dayz and congratulate the BI team for how far this sensational game has come. With Gratitude - E.F.
  7. Elderflower

    State of the 1.07 Console Issues

    FPS falls after opening and closing the inventory menu on PS4.
  8. Elderflower

    Console Update 1.07

    FPS issue follow up: FPS problem happens whenever I open the inventory menu using the touch pad on PS4. Thank you to other survivors on this forum who are having the same inconsistent FPS since the 1.07 update. Pressing R1 did fix the FPS too as mentioned below. Waiting for permanent fix as it is annoying as hell and interferes with gameplay
  9. Elderflower

    State of the 1.07 Console Issues

    I don't usually go to these Game forums but since this new update I now have to say something. I bought the incredible Dayz as soon as it arrived on PS4 in May 2019. I paid £39.99. Even with all the glitches and bugs it instantly became (and still is) my favourite gaming experience of all time. Then Dayz 1.07 console update dropped this week. It has become completely unplayable. The FPS drops every couple of seconds when running across fields, going past buildings, everywhere basically. It is horrendous, and makes the game an absolute nightmare to play. Please revert back to 1.06 until everything is fixed with 1.07 I can wait months until it is done. South West of Map EU 2524