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About RazzielXX

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. RazzielXX

    Console Update 1.07

    I don’t know if anyone has noticed this or if it just works for me but when the stuttering frame rate starts I just open my quick menu and it stops instantly. After a while it comes back and I click the bumper and it stops. Hope this helps some of my fellow survivors and maybe help the devs get to the bottom of it for a hot fix.
  2. RazzielXX

    Console Update 1.07

    I updated and log into horrible stuttering on foot. No stutter while slow walking, none while driving a car. So I did the usual reboot Xbox, reboot modem, delete local files, then of course finally uninstall and reinstall. Nothing helped. And it’s game breaking bad stuttering. Anybody else having this problem? Worked fine on 1.06. ??? Help!