Ok... This is bad, I payed $50 for this game almost a year ago, I had great hopes in it after its success with pc and was really exited to try it out on ps4, and to say the least I am highly dissapointed. This game is has gone to complete shit, seriously, the frame rates are highly inconsistent and fluctuate from as low as 10 fps to no more than maybe 20 or 30 fps, there are countless bugs throughout the game, and the only thing the producers are working on is new content and a few bug fixes. THIS SHOULD BE THE LEAST OF YOUR PRIORITIES, I DONT KNOW WHAT THE HELL THEY WERE THINKING BUT THIS GAME IS NOT BY ANY MEANS WORTH THE MONEY, IT HAS BEEN ALMOST AN ENTIRE YEAR AND IT IS STILL JUST AS BAD AS IT WAS WHEN IT FIRST STARTED. THIS GAME IS NO MORE THAN A LITTLE SIDE PROJECT USED TO MAKE MONEY. YOU HAVE TO BE F****NG KIDDING ME, WITH ALL THIS MONEY FROM THE GAME YOU SHOULD BE FIXING THE BUGS, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY THE FRAME RATES. I HAVE ALWAYS LOVED DAYZ BUT THIS IS BY FAR THE WORST GAME I HAVE PLAYED ON PS4. UNTIL THERE IS NOTICE ON THESE FIXED, I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO WAIT TO BUY THE GAME.