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Everything posted by Futurist

  1. This is by far the most infuriating and baffling intentional change I've ever seen in this game since 2015. I am convinced the devs have never played it. I just traded shots with a guy, we each went uncon 3 times until I killed him on the 4th wake up. Why.
  2. Unmistakable 50 round sprays over and over and over from the distinct sound of an AKM kinda gives the game away. Not to mention the duping of gun repair kits needed to do that. Literally nothing was fixed with 1.09. Official Livionia #4913 is a fine example in the past few hours.
  3. I'm speechless. 48 hours? 48 freakin hours for a pair of badly damaged denim shorts in a military building to despawn? That's two god damn days that a gun cannot spawn there unless someone grabs those shorts and chunks them 100 meters away somewhere. This is also a death sentence to fresh spawns on the coast. A knife is now as rare as an LAR. I'm convinced the devs either don't play this game or they want to shut down their official servers to cut costs. You've driven everyone to community servers to the point that there is an hour queue on every single one of them because they reverted loot spawn timers to the old values. Grats.
  4. The community servers that matter and have any kind of activity are now packed with long queues. Because of the loot stagnation on officials its too difficult to get off the coast for all but the seasoned vets and the occasional lottery winner. I will say the hackers have stopped. But its probably because there is no loot to take from anyone they kill.
  5. Futurist

    The final nail in the coffin for DayZ?

    I can only imagine 2 reasons for what is happening. 1. They actually want this game to die so they can stop spending money on servers and development and abandon it. 2. They're fanatical ideologues that think ping limits are xenophobic. Asian Pacific servers exist. They can play there with reasonable latency.
  6. All it would take is a 150 or even 200 ping limit on official servers and this crap would instantly vanish by and large. Don't pretend like you don't know why. Do you understand how easy that is to do? Its one command. I can only imagine 3 reasons this hasn't happened. 1. astronomical apathy, zero fucks given. 2. They actually want an excuse to close their own servers and drop their sever costs and push everyone to community servers. 3. The utmost ravenous SJW ideology where they think a ping limit is xenophobia.
  7. Just an update. In light of the recent issues with hackers from uh.. .the other side of the planet, I've implemented a 150ms ping limit.
  8. Doomer Lounge | Death in Livonia Connection Info: PC server hosted on the US East coast by Fragnet Tweaked vanilla server. If you like the vanilla game but hate the loot economy we're for you. Spawn with a backpack and a generous amount of food and drink. Loot economy tweaked to reduce junk items, increase fun and make survival less painful. I justify this because of the absurd amount of rain in Livonia which I feel is imbalanced. Cars, game animals and heli crashes are far more common. Stored/stashed/worn loot does not count against spawn rates of any item. This is the key fatal flaw of official vanilla servers. A few buried stashes can prevent military rifles from spawning for months on vanilla, not here. I've littered spawn areas with camo tents full of tier 2ish goodies. Look closely. No rules, no safe spaces. Be as murderous or heroic as you want. Night time is significant. Its dark. It lasts a couple hours. Don't worry you'll find NVGs. Required Mods: Just to make my job easier https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1582756848 https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1559212036 Discord: https://discord.gg/V4fGNn4 Come watch the world burn with us.
  9. I'm wanting to add a few items to the inventory of fresh spawns. Namely an orange taloon bag, hunting knife, bottle of water, and a can of beans. I've found a few guides for this but the code doesn't look at all the same and they're from pre 1.06 versions of the game. Anyone know how to do this or of a current guide or tool?
  10. Futurist

    Editing fresh spawn inventory in init.c?

    So I got all of the desired items added to fresh spawn inventory except the taloon bag. I'm guessing its because the bag would need to go into the backpack slot and doesn't fit in either clothing article on the character. I'll try the older string of code from previous versions and play around with it for the bag. The important bits are working being the food and water. Here's the code: override void StartingEquipSetup(PlayerBase player, bool clothesChosen) { EntityAI itemTop; EntityAI itemEnt; ItemBase itemBs; float rand; itemTop = player.FindAttachmentBySlotName("Body"); if ( itemTop ) { itemEnt = itemTop.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Rag"); if ( Class.CastTo(itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.SetQuantity(6); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); itemEnt = itemTop.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("TaloonBag_Orange"); if ( Class.CastTo(itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.SetQuantity(1); itemEnt = itemTop.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("WaterBottle"); if ( Class.CastTo(itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.SetQuantity(1); itemEnt = itemTop.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("BakedBeansCan"); if ( Class.CastTo(itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.SetQuantity(1); itemEnt = itemTop.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("HuntingKnife"); if ( Class.CastTo(itemBs, itemEnt ) ) itemBs.SetQuantity(1); string chemlightArray[] = { "Chemlight_White", "Chemlight_Yellow", "Chemlight_Green", "Chemlight_Red" }; int rndIndex = Math.RandomInt(0, 4); itemEnt = itemTop.GetInventory().CreateInInventory(chemlightArray[rndIndex]); SetRandomHealth(itemEnt); } } };
  11. I'm sure this is brought up a lot but it can't be stressed enough. . So I logged in to an official Cherno server for the first time in at least 3 months and dug up my sea chest with an AKM and an M4 in it. This is why you're not finding military rifles. This is why no one bothers with military bases. This is why you're being farmed as a freshie by people in full kit on the coast. This is a bit absurd, don't you think? They don't despawn in 45 days and even if they did it is still a huge deterrent from playing on official servers. I alone took 1/4 of each of these rifles out of the economy on that server since before Thanksgiving. I'm sure I'm not the only one by far. So why even play vanilla servers with this rule in place? End game loot is never going to spawn again there. Its an easy thing to change or mod on your own server if you're the admin. But the most populated servers are public with this function in place so that's where people gravitate, to where the action is. With nothing but Mosins and shotguns. .. This is just the M4, AKM, AK74, AK101 etc. Forget a VSD. One person can make this rifle cease to exist on your server forever. You will literally never find loot above T2 on an official server. Its buried in some sea chest or eternity and removed from the economy by someone who will probably never play this game again. If your goal is elite loot, get off of official servers because it no longer exists there.