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Everything posted by TreadstoneTW

  1. There are 3 tpp server in Livonia, while there are 1 fpp and 2 tpp in Chernarus. Please change 1 tpp to fpp or add 1 fpp Livonia server.
  2. TreadstoneTW

    DayZ Livonia Server Switch and Server Shutdown

    Please add 1PP Livonia sever in Asia !!!
  3. TreadstoneTW

    DayZ Livonia Server Switch and Server Shutdown

    Is that possible to have a fpp Livonia server for Asians or switch 1 of the tpp SG server to 1pp plz?
  4. Since the DLC was out, I enjoy hardcore Livonia very much except bad pings on LA server(and also the difference on daily routine). Can we get a official FPP Livonia Singapore server plz?