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About Kurbstomp44

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Kurbstomp44

    Do people always just shoot?

    You must force the conversation on someone, for example if you see them first and have no real intentions of killing them yet, hide in their path of travel and pop out from behind and yell at them to "drop everything or ill shoot", Remember there is a possibility of them being in discord and may take awhile to switch to in game chat. Don't do this if they have a gun in their hands. So far this has worked for me 7 out of 9 attempts, the 2 it didn't I had failed to notice that the player I was holding up had teammates nearby. This also can work while they are in a building, just hold the exit point assuming it has one entrance/exit. Many how to videos on youtube as well.
  2. Thanks! I'm extremely excited to try out the new changes! Heads up, while watching a streamer he noticed that the prone animation happens extremely quick, so much so that I believe it will be abused during PVP. Call of duty type drop shots are possible in this experimental version.
  3. Kurbstomp44

    Crate Will not Craft

    You need to combine your planks to 8 and have 16 nails in your hand to craft a crate.
  4. Kurbstomp44

    First person only official team up

    I play on LA Server 4335, I'm looking to find someone to play with. Prefer if your on the west coast tho, connectivity reasons.