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Shawn Caplan

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4 Neutral

About Shawn Caplan

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Shawn Caplan

    NCRP Private Servers

    I have also been in NCRP servers for about a month.Best thing I ever did in this game.Public servers can suck it lol.Most of the people I've met have been fantastic.Some will shoot ya but this is DayZ .Rules are simple and we have a great discord community.If u happen to come around..my tag is makarov.Call me Mak.Hope to see some new people on NCRP
  2. Shawn Caplan

    Best place to find small stones ?

    Fruit trees in Chernerus are usually near houses.look on the ground next to them.Sometimes there is fruit.Hope this helps:)
  3. Shawn Caplan

    Best place to find small stones ?

    Could be they just not have spawned in.I guess it depends on the server.Livonia I can't not see stones.Damn things are everywhere.Chernarus a little more difficult
  4. Shawn Caplan

    Ehat servers you all on

    NCRP server as well for me.Dont even want to go back to pubilcs lol