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Everything posted by Sam353

  1. Sam353

    Please Help!

    Hi guys I'm new to this game and can tell that it's something I will enjoy, the only problem I'm having is finding food. I've starved to death countless times. I've searched Apple trees and found nothing, i found a mushroom once. Every building I search has been raided and if I head inland (as far a I can get before I starve) it seems to be the same. Longest I've lasted was after finding a knife and going Hannibal Lectar. Appreciate any help
  2. Sam353

    Please Help!

    Yeah I know, I'm just making excuses for the shear number of times I've died to that darn mechanic! I'll get there soon I hope! Ha ha
  3. Sam353

    Please Help!

    Still crazy that you can die of starvation in less than a day!
  4. Sam353

    Please Help!

    Ah being cold! That could be my enemy! It's been raining most of the time ive been playing cheers!
  5. Sam353

    Console Update 1.06

    Why does my character die of hunger so quickly! I'm a noob to the game but this is killing me... Literally! Hmm I'm having a hard time here. I really want to like this game but I keep starving to death. I've not seen a single plum or apple or mushroom anywhere. I've also not seen a single person. I'm starting to think my copy of the game is broken!
  6. Sam353

    Console Update 1.06

    Why does my character die of hunger so quickly! I'm a noob to the game but this is killing me... Literally!