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Everything posted by Holmes109

  1. Holmes109

    Best place to find small stones ?

    I've played for over 4 hours, (first time player) and have yet to find a single stone, or a single piece of fruit. I don't understand. This is the type of game I prefer to explore and figure out for myself, and yet even after spoiling it by googling, and even watching VIDEOS, I have yet to find a small stone or fruit (or fruit tree). One guide I read said both of these things are "everywhere". Just have empty hands and you'll see an option to either "search for stones" or "search for apples". I've never seen this prompt. I read another guide that said you'll find fruit at the base of a tree, I've searched at least 50+ trees of varying shapes and sizes to no avail. This is exactly my type of game, and I'm trying hard to like it, but I'm almost at my wits end. Are these guides out of date? Have they changed the interface, or mechanisms where I'm doing something wrong? It's one thing for these resources to be less common than before, but to not have found a single instance of one despite looking through a large variety of locations over multiple hours? I just die of hunger, and repeat. The only time I last a little bit longer than usual is if the weather is good, and my hunger goes down more slowly than usual. Not only have I never found a stone to make a knife, I've never once found an existing knife in my hours of looking through cities, despite claims that knives were ALSO common. I just don't know what else to do. I can't keep playing if I can't figure out the trick I'm missing. One video showed a different, darker, rocky texture on a path that allowed them to search for stones. I've never seen that texture on any path. I've walked miles down what appear to be trails, definitely down train tracks. What exactly am I looking for? Do I need to be crouching? Do I use the "vicinity" feature? Is there a prompt? I promise you I'm an experienced survival game player, and not an idiot, lol. Like WTF. Thanks in advance.
  2. New to the game, just downloaded it today. I'm trying to join the same server as my wife, who's in the same room as me on her own Xbox. If either one of us are in a server (tested official, community, all different settings), the second person joining gets a failed message, "unknown error". If the first person leaves, the other person can join the server without issue. We have both tried going in first, with no luck. We can join all servers as long as the other person isn't in that server already. I'd be convinced that it's preventing us from playing together on purpose, except that we were able to do so successfully for several hours earlier today. We left the house for a few hours, and now it won't work. Tried hard resets, etc etc... Any ideas? It's a free to play weekend, so we have very limited time to try and determine if this is a "buy" for us, and we're quickly running out of time. This game is right up our ally, but not being able to play together would be a deal breaker. Anyone else able to play "locally" with another player?