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About bhspaceboy12

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. bhspaceboy12

    Weird vac ban

    Yeah and I didnt get banned by battleye I contacted steam and they said a publisher request to ban me and idek what the fuck that means. And everytime I email the dayz help team they send me the same exact message and they wont listen to my side
  2. bhspaceboy12

    Weird vac ban

    It says I do but I shoudlnt have gotten banned
  3. bhspaceboy12


    I havent played DayZ for so long and I finally come back to it and play hours of the game and out of nowhere im banned.... I have messaged steam,battleye and even bohemia support AND NO HELP for 2 weeks. Please explain
  4. bhspaceboy12

    Weird vac ban

    Dude im having this same problem wtf is going on