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About jacint0

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    On the Coast
  1. Hello, I know we are a shitty place in the world for you, but we enjoy playing dayz as well. All countries in South America except from Brazil its language is Spanish, but the nearest servers here are Brazillian, (I don't care playing along with aliens as long as my ping is less than 100 so this is not a big deal, add brazillian livonia servers if that is what it takes). It is NOT FAIR for thouthands of players that paid for this game and dlc that they don't have a local server to play. Thank u.
  2. jacint0

    [Request] Livonia BR Official Server

    I agree with the post, bought Livonia DLC but got no official server to play. Also, most latin america countries language is Spanish, so, please, add Latin Spanish server please, for chernarus or livonia, we end up not being able to comunicate ingame with brazilians that speak portiguese. I have many friends that bought this DLC and have the exact same complain. Thank you.