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About Banschey

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Banschey

    Stable Update 1.08

    Can you change loading data within network buble. So items should be load when you interact with them. Now, if you are playing on community server where so many bases and other hidden things it's so laggy, because client loading everything in the network buble i guess. Can you please load items when you are interact with stash or barrel and unload when you are stop interact with them ?
  2. Banschey

    Nedd offical BI answer.

    Are these actions legal? or it's a bug I hope that you will help me in this question !
  3. Banschey

    Stable Update 1.06

    I saw those patch notes and can suggest that you dont have a specialist that can fix technical bugs. All of the changes are purely cosmetic. Really ? damaged texture of googles ? There are a lot of destructive and critical bugs which not allow us to play normally. Such as : issue with stuck magazine in weapon, desync, items stuck in hand, crashes and more.I can't drive a car, absolutely can't because i'm getting a freeze in 5 seconds or a desync, car will be destroyed in this case. You have promised that you will concentrate on critical bugs but if we look at the patch notes you don't do it. Seems like game is being in lite support, and that's all. How much time do you need to fix weapon position on player's model? One year, two years ?