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Everything posted by Yamik

  1. Hello! I'm gonna try to keep it short. For whatever reason when I open the store trying to buy the Livonia DLC on ps4 it just isn't there. The store is empty, there are no add-ons, can't find it anywhere. As if It doesn't exist. Same on the playstation store on the laptop. Friends from the US, Netherlands, Finland have been able to buy it, but not me. I am from Sweden - did it not release in Sweden or what? Could really appreciate some help I can't play with my buddies
  2. @Greensek Is there an official statement somewhere about this? How do I know when it's available?
  3. Yamik

    Stable Update 1.06

    Hello! I can't buy this dlc, it's as if it does not exist on the playstation store, although my friends can get it. I downloaded the update but when I "Open store" to buy it it's not there. I'm from Sweden , is it not released here yet?