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Everything posted by Trev_Bash

  1. Trev_Bash

    How do you take pills ?

    Keep at it @Uncle Skippy, the more you play the more you learn. Just remember what @supernick said... nothing is more dangerous than another player so stay sneaky, move quietly and trust no-one... wear good boots and cook the chicken! Also, try not to carry unnecessary stuff as it slows you down if you have to make a hasty exit. Nearly forgot... there are lots of pills for lots of things. I'm not sure how they all work myself but I'm sure someone here will know or failing that, Mr U Tube often helps.
  2. For the last couple of weeks or so I have been wandering through the public - Dayz Livonia EU -DE 2116 (Persistence ON) server - and things have been great. Weather has been wet on and off but not game wrecking bad... or when it was I went elsewhere. Today I was right down in the bottom right hand corner (south east corner) in a little place called Dolnik. All was quiet and I was well armed and sneaking. I went into each building prepared for trouble but none came my way. Out of the blue a group of figures came charging down the hill towards me and I nearly crapped myself before I realised it was five Zombies chasing a pig! They all raced past whilst I hid but one strangely peeled off towards me. I let him come and dispatched him quietly with an axe and lo and behold he had brought me beans! how weird. Anyway I went to the watering point in town, checked it out and all seemed safe. Took plenty of water on board and moved off then suddenly pop pop pop machine gun fire, took cover behind the wrong side of a log pile and was dead... sad face. Didn't even see my killer. Guess he was camping the most obvious place and I failed to spot him/her... never mind, shit happens. Needless to say I'll be going back that way again as it's a nice area and someone there has my loot. If you happen to go that way then I may see you there! BTW I stashed a shotgun and ammo in a car there... So, back on topic, which is your favourite server? and why?
  3. Trev_Bash

    just downloaded the game, need help!

    With regards to loot, if you stash it in a room or building and lock the door to the room, will it stay in the locked room until somebody unlocks it or you return to collect it? ...and just one other thing that really P's me off, why is it that you never find out how you died? Several times now I have been in 100% health, well fed, well armed, alert, check outside the isolated building to make sure all is safe - there is only a zombie wandering close by but nothing to worry about - I step outside, look around, nobody in view for miles, switch to the axe and move to deal with the zombie and suddenly, in the process bingo, the 'sorry mate, you're dead' screen appears. Now I accept that I may have been sniped from a long long way off by the best sniper in the game (or perhaps he/she was hiding and I didn't see them when I checked) but why can't the game inform you of that? Why does it always seem like a game crash? The least Bohemia could do is give you a 'bang' noise... anyway, sorry, rant over... but it's just another thing to put off new players not knowing how/why you died.
  4. Trev_Bash

    Niggles and down Right Crazy

    In my (short) experience you generally spawn back in the same place that you quit the game and with the same equipment and food that you had. When I get to the point where I have to stop playing, I usually find a building with a roof and quit from there. So far I have always re-spawned in the same place. Even when the game has crashed it has returned me to the same place. The only things that seem to change while you're away is the weather, time of day and loot in the area. I'm not sure if you keep your equipment/supplies when you change server on the same map. Sometimes I have retained the stuff but occasionally it's been back to zero and start again. I think it depends on whether you choose a map with 'persistence'. I'm still not sure of the mechanism there, which is probably why I tend to stay on the same server on the Livonia map. When I die and get reset is normally the time I change maps. When there is a scheduled server shut-down a countdown message appears in the bottom left hand corner giving you from 30 to 10 minutes to quit the map - it's easy to miss if you're busy...
  5. Trev_Bash

    Niggles and down Right Crazy

    @paulzx1 It's definitely niggling and frustrating to lose all of your equipment just because you can't find food or you contracted a virus that you can't get rid of but it's even worse to suddenly die when you didn't see the assassin lurking behind a door or you go to a water pump which has been staked out by an unseen killer... not to mention the feral gangs roaming the highly populated servers... but don't give up, pick a low populated server and keep plugging away. The game is deep and the learning curve is steep but the more you play the better you get. Every now and then there are situations and surprises that make it all worthwhile... at least that's what I keep telling myself, LOL, and I'm still a noob at this too.
  6. Trev_Bash

    Niggles and down Right Crazy

    This is a bit of a strange game and nothing seems particularly easy. I tend to play Livonia at the moment and while there isn't any fruit to be found there are occasionally mushrooms in the woods. I always assumed that the water in canteens was safe to drink because it hadn't affected me before. Yesterday however I got sick after drinking from a 'found' canteen and now I'm struggling to cure myself. I used chlorine tablets in the next drink of water but that didn't help. Now I'm heading to a town hospital to try to find some kind of cure before I die of virus. Having spent lots of time dodging other players, wolves and zombies it seems a pathetic way to end my current game... maybe I should stash the stuff I'm carrying but I don't know whether it will remain on the server to be found another time? @paulzx1 I always found Cherno to be reasonably well stocked with fruit but I do find that a map showing the orchards is pretty much essential. Having said that, after a while you get used to knowing which gardens to check. Some people have said that the zombies have less to offer but just recently some Zs have gone out of their way to chase me and these are the ones that have tins in their pockets. The wet weather is a pain as is the fact that you can find a good weapon but no magazine or ammo... then you have to decide whether to cart it round hoping to get it working or leave it. My problem is that I carry too much stuff! Keep plugging away, it gets better... sometimes...
  7. Trev_Bash

    Which Public Server Do You Use?

    TBH I just picked what I thought was the closest server to the UK on the public list although I think there is probably one in London now? not sure. I did rent a private Nitrado server for a month and initially it was ok. Only having the zombies and animals to worry about was fine to begin with but there wasn't that element of fear that you get knowing other players are out to get you and your stuff. When I first started playing it seemed that other players could make or break the game but once I got my head round the 'take no prisoners' bit then things have been ok. I only ever seem to play alone which suits me fine so far. On the Nitrado server it was easy to change the day/night pattern but I can't remember if the weather was changeable. Having recently moved from Gwynedd to Norfolk it's nice to see some drier weather - that would be nice in-game too 😉 Just typing this post in a short break, just like in cricket - 'rain stopped play'
  8. Trev_Bash

    Niggles and down Right Crazy

    Surely these 'Bohemians' must realise that as soon as the rain starts (again and again and again) a lot of players (myself included) will just piss off, eject the disc and go play some other game... As for the rotten fruit, it does seem a bit pointless including it in the game. A nice joke to begin with when you first become sick but after that you just don't bother picking it up. Same with the water, I just don't bother drinking anything apart from cans, bottled or straight from the pump - anything else without purification will kill you...
  9. Trev_Bash

    Niggles and down Right Crazy

    Completely agree with you @Berndog We all play this game for some sort of enjoyment and when it pisses down with rain all the time it can ruin it very quickly. I can't see the need for it. I know the settings can be varied on private servers but I don't know what the score is on the public ones. Maybe they are all set the same in relation to the amount of rain. It would be nice to know if there are any public servers which are warm, sunny and dry with more daylight than darkness...
  10. Trev_Bash

    Niggles and down Right Crazy

    Similar problem here on Livonia - rain rain rain... most times I just shut it down and move on. I understand the need for a challenging environment but the game still has to be enjoyable... and the excess rain just kills it.
  11. Trev_Bash

    helicopter crash lore

    I've only ever found three or four heli crash sites on public servers but they did have some good guns there. I have the map showing location sites but is there any particular area where I am more likely to find one or is it just random? Not yet seen a bear but wolves seem to be everywhere in the lower half of Livonia.
  12. Patch Version 1.10 downloaded itself yesterday and I can see from the notes that B.I. have addressed and fixed some issues. Unfortunately I now appear to be having serious frame rate issues. I use a PS4 Pro and for 25% of the time the graphics are fine. The remaining 75% of the time the game runs from almost flickering to slow jerky to sometimes major jerky. It's at the point of being unplayable or at least unpleasant when it's bad. I can't work out whether it is connected to the local environment (currently I'm in forested areas), the weather, the number of zombies in the area or some other cause. Either way it is a real pain. Is there any way of checking the frame rate? Does anyone else have the same problem since the v 1.10 patch? Are there any settings I can change to compensate?
  13. @Kean__1 Yes, you're right, thanks. The 10 slots cost me £8.82 for 30 days but 4 slots would have been more suitable - strange it is available for PC but not PS4. I'll see how it goes in relation to frame rate etc. but a brief first 'test' seemed ok...
  14. Thanks for posting this question @IceKing74 and for replying @Kean__1. I've now been looking at Nitrado and the costs seem reasonable if I've read it right. The lowest number of player slots is 4 and the cost for this on a standard game server appears to be £3.53 for 30 days and £9.70 for 90 days - in UK money that is 😉 That doesn't seem too bad. The more players obviously the more it costs but if you want to play alone (or with three trustworthy friends) then I guess this would be the only way. I may give it a go myself - at least that way I get all the loot/weapons/food etc and can build stuff without needing eyes in the back of my head. Guess it may get boring after a while but I reckon I might give a try...
  15. Trev_Bash

    Frame Rate Issues after Patch 1.10

    Yes could be... I'm back on Livonia and there's not really any problem there just the very occasional stutter. Cherno however is just playing weirdly. It's difficult to describe. Inside buildings it's fine but outside anywhere it's just like a constant background flicker which I can only best describe as the frame rate being just too low. Don't know if it's a server thing but I haven't tried Cherno on public servers yet.
  16. Trev_Bash

    Frame Rate Issues after Patch 1.10

    This is a strange problem. My frame rate issues all occurred on a private server playing the Cherno map. It was so bad that I quit the game but before I actually turned off I went to a public EU Livonia server. Bizarrely there was no problem there at all. I think I need to play some more to try to track down where the problem exists and where it doesn't...
  17. I found a sea chest and thought it would be a good idea to lock it inside a shed and fill it with stuff so that I can come back any time and re-stock. The problem is that I can't take some of the items out... for some unknown reason it won't let me take a can of beans out or do anything with it - open them or eat them etc. they are still stuck inside. Other stuff I can sometimes take out and use but not the beans. I just made the mistake of putting an AK inside and now that randomly returns to the box! I cannot transfer it direct from the box to my inventory but if I take the box into my hands then I can. I took it out earlier, went some way down the road and found it had disappeared. When I went back and checked the chest it was there... ggggrrrrrrrrrr. Not sure whether the chest has magic properties or if I am doing something wrong or if it's a bug. Has anyone else had this problem? Update: Things go from bad to worse. Out and about and the AK has vanished WTF? presumably back in the chest. For some reason the axe doesn't work at all, no effect whatsoever (usually one swing kills) so I am forced to use the .45 normally no problem but for some reason this also has no effect whatsoever and is firing blanks. Eventually I bleed out whilst trying to fight off ONE zombie... is this all happening because I tried to be clever with the chest?
  18. Trev_Bash


    That's interesting to note. For me so far it's only been the wolves that do it. I don't think it's the number of system generated entities that cause the problem either. One time in Livonia five wolves attacked and I was blasting all over the place and not hitting any of them. The shooting attracted every zombie in town but somehow I managed to make it to a derelict house and up on to a table and then onto a cupboard. While they were doing their thing inside the house I stopped the bleeding and then shot them all one by one. In all this time and during all this action there wasn't one stutter, sign of lag or freeze. Car driving has also caused temporary freezes and the game then sometimes (but not always) lags into a clunky pig of a game but I guess that's possibly a different issue. The other weirdness was when the car took off in the air like a rocket, somersaulted high in the sky before landing back where it started. Sorry, I may have gone off topic. The game has it's faults but I don't want my money back I just want it fixed.
  19. Trev_Bash


    I totally agree with this 'wolves freeze' stuff. I've had the same thing happen several times now and to say it's frustrating is an understatement. The only way I have avoided death is by logging out mid-attack and re-spawning a while later. Mostly they have gone when I reappear but once the last remaining wolf suddenly came from nowhere as if it had been waiting for me...
  20. Trev_Bash

    DayZ Livonia not installed

    Same here, I couldn't find it to begin with... but it was there all the time. I made sure to check that the 'in game' menu indicated that it was not 'disabled' then I hit the 'refresh' button and the Livonia servers appeared.
  21. Trev_Bash

    The game now

    I agree, the rain kills your energy reserves so so quickly... Another problem for me just lately is illness. I have contracted illness or a virus from various sources and I'm never quite sure how to get rid of it. Sometimes rotten fruit does it, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes raw meat does it, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it just slows you down then burns itself out. I had a virus recently and it didn't seem to cause any problem at all until I next ate something. Then it took hold and I was continually sick, I couldn't find a cure and died. What are the best ways to cure yourself?
  22. Trev_Bash

    The game now

    Ain't this the truth and the best advice to take heed of... Everyone WILL kill you to take your stuff rather than look for it themselves. If you can't outrun them and hide then as soon as the chance presents itself kill them, 'cos if you don't you'll be dead and regretting it over and over again. Actually you can probably cut out the running and hiding bit, just kill them or die in the attempt. Go down fighting.
  23. As a noob I think playing solo on public servers makes this THE most frustrating game I've played. I think I would re-name it -- 'snakes'n' ladders minefield' -- every time you step on a snake/mine you are taken right back to the start. You put so much time and effort into foraging and surviving knowing all the time that, without doubt, you will die at some point (whether from ambush, sickness or starvation) and it will all have been for nothing. There is no 'save', you will be reset right back at the beginning. Fun while it lasts but frustrating and the more effort you put in the more you stand to lose. I can see now why the ambush, kill and steal technique is so popular as it cuts out all the work. The OODA loop is the best survival advice but there is still a chance that you will miss something and unexpectedly step on a 'mine' (i.e walk into ambush) no matter how careful you try to be. So, as I was advised above, (thank you), top of my revised advice list would be to get onto a community server.
  24. I've been playing for three months and it's only now starting to dawn on me that my friendly happy-go-lucky playing style must change. For too long I've been taken for a mug, simply a walking stash of food and loot to be plundered. Based on my (very short) experience so far, my advice would be: 1. There are no rules so kill everyone you meet because if you don't kill them then they WILL kill you. Being friendly WILL get you killed. Anyone in a ghillie suit is not approaching you to have a friendly chat about the weather and is probably not alone. 2. Carry just the few essentials that you need to get by. Too much 'stuff' slows you down when escaping and everything you are carrying WILL be taken by your killer except your nasty virus. 3. The rain, the darkness and the zombies are your friends. Find a partner to watch your back and most importantly remember it's just a game... What would your best advice to a noob be?
  25. Ok, a proper noob question... Are damaged and badly damaged weapons repairable?. I seem to find my fair share of badly damaged weapons and I've often lugged them around hoping to find some way of repairing them. I've found pliers, screwdrivers, gun cleaning kits and various accessories but so far I've not been able to find anything to fix weapons. I can't really see the point in having broken guns lying around if you can't fix them so I guess I'm probably missing something... ...having said that I've found a few things in game that I don't understand... I mean, just what are capri pants? and why do you find every calibre ammunition except for the one gun you are carrying? sorry I've gone off topic...