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Everything posted by ToNyMa6

  1. hello, There is a big issue in dayz related to base building, adding an extra worst things which base destroying 😅, sometimes you build a base where you have bugs , way too many bugs , collision between walls, buildings 2 doors in front of each others, if enemy break bottom wooden wall, and we want to build it again , we need to dismantle again the door in front of it and add back the wooden lower wall , and build again ,(severe issue) and other collision related to base building. Another probblem is adding barbed wire LOL, we try to make it harder for them to join, but ourselves wanting to go out , we open door lets say barbed wire under , it's like barbed wire remain thre invisible and on door , like it become in 2 places like invisible wtf is this bug too , we died twice and i went coma 5 times because of that, so we stopped mounting barbed wire , needs a fix too, way too many things.... Moving on to destroying a base , why the hell you need to build a base , just designing and cutting trees using chainsaw to craft wooden plank , with other bunch of stuff, tale metal from another place walking slowly to build it as a metal wall, and it takes hours and hours to get to the base , adding it takes hours to build and designing everything and then easily enemy team join in less than 10 mins LOL , they break lower wooden wall, lower fence and they prone under it and join base easily , same related to doors like why the fuck you do a door if they can choose to destroy lower wooden wall and lower fence without breaking the lock and keeping it attached like wtf is that , what is this shit base mentality , sorry but that's the truth, this not how base mentality should be , it should take a lot of time to break a base , to break a lock , doors, wooden wall, fences, you need to break all the wall/door in order to join or else why would anyone would want to build and play this game there are others games pvp/pve without base building why would i need it then , we spend decent times looting and destroying is in 10 mins , and enemy are pussies choose when we don't play we are in our work during the day , they log in , they just take their time destroying the base and jin the base easily LOL , and take whatever they want any loot that we kept hours to find it , even the useless car thing , last time we hit a really small tree , car battery , radiator and spark plug got ruined like wtf is that , fix these really big issues , base building is useless like that no mentality , adding to that can't craft landmine , nade or something , and no not only that , but landmine disappear after a time like wtf is that LOL, really it needs a lot a lot a lot of rework , not fun to build bases in official servers