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Everything posted by olyeller

  1. olyeller

    Experimental Update 1.06

    I really like the place holder in inventory! Pardon me if this already exists, but I think it would be extremely useful to be able to assign a key to "return item in hands to placeholder" Thanks for all your great work, can't wait for Livonia!
  2. olyeller

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    yes, correct However I just tried it again and it works now, so IDK, maybe I was just at a bad pump? lol
  3. olyeller

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    You mentioned wringing out clothes, maybe it would be pretty simple to script: look at a canteen, wring clothes into canteen, but then its dirty water that needs to be cleaned (boiled)? Also, I had an issue trying to fill a jerrycan with water from a pump. Only smaller items like canteens and water bottles worked at the pump for me, the crafting (or fill) circle popped up and animated fully, just did not actually put any water in the jerrycan I was holding.