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Dean Quinn

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About Dean Quinn

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    On the Coast
  1. Dean Quinn

    Addressing the crashes after the update 1.05

    Here’s my feedback having just started playing on PS4. I was hesitant to even buy it seeing as it was 39.99 and I can barely find a good review about it online. But I had faith in what I know and seen of the game so I gave in and bought it. Right off the bat I was shocked at how small the file is at 8.7gb. Which in my opinion is probably part of the problem. Whether it’s corner cutting, no funds to finance making it how it should be, or just plain incompetence/laziness. That is no where near the file size a game like this should be. It screams little effort but I’m no expert on that. So immediately I noticed there’s no option to manually input the name of the server you want. So every time I want to join my friends server I have to scroll down to page 47. No major problem there but it’s clear that there wasn’t a lot of brainstorming put into the main menu. When playing the game itself I’ve found that any length of time over an hour or 2 on a populated server will cause severe FPS drops and a possible blue screen. Closing the app every now and again to refresh fixes this but it shouldn’t be an issue in 2019 on a console that’s been out for 5 years +. I can’t quite figure out what causes it but I know it’s an issue on pc also where for some reason an item you’re trying to loot from a container/bag/dead player will become bugged out and although it’s showing that it’s there, you can’t do anything with it. The same with players dropping items and the only person that can see it is the player who dropped it. Met a kind chap earlier who tried to give a spare tin opener to me that he had but after 5 minutes of trying different things, he ended up just opening my cans for me because no matter what we tried I could not receive the tin opener. It’s like it with things you drop on the ground for another player. Doesn’t happen all the time though, maybe 50% of the time if that. And my example of this is getting wrecked off spawn by some guy with a shotty about 6-8 times in a row only to finally get him weak enough over my 6-8 lives to knock him out. The shotgun I so desperately wanted after it killed me so many times was there on the floor staring at me. But there was no prompt to do anything whatsoever. And I got my head caved in from behind whilst trying to pick it up. (Pissed isn’t even the word for that) But another issue with this is Ive been constantly spawning at the same place. The only reason this guy killed me so quick every time because I kept downing right next to him. Inventory screen is an absolute mess. I have slight ocd and it really grinds me when I look and see all these things I can’t stack or organise within there pocket or bag theyre in. Probably doesn’t bother most but for people like me it’s a nightmare. To add to this if you split a stack of something, you can’t re-stack it back up. So there’s a ton of things I can’t loot sometimes because there’s so many duplicates throughout my inventory that it gets to the point where I get somewhere and wish I picked something up a long the way but I couldn’t because of this garbage inventory system. Looting in a hurry is non existent. Not like on pc where they can keep moving whilst looting to grab something they really need quickly without being sniped. On console your character stands/lays completely still. Inviting every sniper in the area to scoop your dome clean off in one shot. Another thing I can’t quite believe I’m the only one whose complained about it so far. Stats. I get you guys are going for the hardcore survival thing but you could at least give us a menu somewhere with the stats there so we can see what’s going on clearer. I lost a lot of blood a few times now and it’s so annoying to just constantly pass out every 30 seconds after I get up. No word of a lie I had to just leave my guy in a building earlier whilst I watched YouTube because for 22 minutes (yes 22 minutes, I counted) my guy just kept passing out every time he got back up again. It’d be nice to have the stat somewhere so I can get a rough estimate of how long I need to stay in cover for. I love the game but if i have to sit there for the best part of half an hour just so my guy doesn’t pass out all the time. I get you’re goin for the hardcore survival thing but Christ there are some things you could help us out with a little. Your guy steps in a puddle and he soaking wet shivering. All of these stupid little mechanics take away from what makes the game fun. I’d rather be encountering other people and looting places than waiting to dry or get my blood back. Also why does it take over 2 minutes to drink half of our thirst meter? No joke, 2 whole minutes of sitting there holding square at a well but you can eat a can of food in 3 Seconds? It just adds to the ways which console players can get sniped whilst HAVING to sit still. The Cancel animation on anything is wayyyyy too long. If you get attacked whilst bandaging up then it’s GGs to you and goodbye to your gear you spent hours accumulating. If you guys are so hardcore on survival then why can we not just bolt off running. If I’m drinking water from a well IRL and a zombie approaches me I not going to take the time tend to the well while I finish. No. I’m gonna drop everything and run in the other direction. If I find or think of more I’ll be sure to update. This wasn’t meant to be aggressive but it kinda reads that way but please just take it all as constructive criticism. I want the game to be the best it can be and I want to play it. Hope this helps.