Hey ! i have a problem with launching DayZ , no matter if its a official game from steam or joining a modded servers . Everytime i try to start a game i have a black screen with "thinking" mouse button and after that i have to open task manager and force close the game then i got error message - 0x00000001 - UNABLE_TO_INIT_DXGI . I tried to reinstall game , clear cache of game , reinstall steam , installed newest graphic drivers and fresh directx , weirdest thing was that i was playing a game and quit it normally and after couple hours i cannot play it anymore...
also i have this error message
my PC Spec
i7 8700k
GTX 1808Ti Inno3D Ichill 11GB
Corsair 16GB RAM
PSU - Seasonic 850W
MOBO - Asrock Z370 Extreme 4
SSD M2 480GB Kingston