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About Yz27

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    On the Coast
  1. @Kean__1 thank you good sir, yea I dont believe in the whole tell everyone how to dupe to pressure them to fix it thing that just makes the game suck even harder until they fix it
  2. Boys, Its dayz 1.05 and though they thought they fixed duping in 1.03/4 there are 2 new ways. One of which is the hotspot dupe which there are videos on and people have done multiple times though that hurts the loot spawn it doesnt necessarily stop people from being able to play. but the 2nd method involves putting something in a seachest/barrel/tent and crashing the server 15-30 seconds after. Which is why your servers are crashing every 5 minutes because I know at least 100 people who know how to do it and there are many more thwn that. I am willing to be a snitch and tell dayz developers step by step how to replicate this extremely easy process in hopes they can fix it again I just don’t know how to contact them so someone let me know how I can get in touch.