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Chantelle Sparrow

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About Chantelle Sparrow

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Chantelle Sparrow


    Currently seeking active players, ragardless of experience we welcome anyone and everyone. We are a very random server. We adjust our rules all the time based on the players votes. We do random events and random day night cycles. For all rules and information check our discord channel out before joining. https://discord.gg/5P4dRAD OH AND RAIDERS.... DON'T WASTE YOU'RE TIME I CAN RESTORE THE SERVER. SO BE MY GUESSED 😉
  2. Chantelle Sparrow


    I respect your opinion, but it's what it is. I already have regular players, so I can't be doing anything wrong. End of the day if its not too your liking you don't need to play it. Plenty of servers that aren't as picky as I am.
  3. Chantelle Sparrow


    Thank you for reading, I currently have a 20 slot server, I run my own server with a few rules. We do have a few regulars already, but looking for more. Looking for Admins as well to help build and grow the server. We have me and 1 other player as admin so far. I am from the UK so the times I play will be around UK times. So we are a NO KOS server, NO BASERAIDING or KILLING LOW LEVEL PLAYERS, NO BUILDING ON MAIN ROADS, OR IN MILITARY AREAS. We have a discord chat also so you can read all the rules and ask for help when you have an issue. My xbox in game name is longneckguy, add me if you have any issues or ask me on xbox for the discord link. Thank you