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Everything posted by Ermiq

  1. Ermiq

    Experimental Update 1.08

    The fix was about shafts, not shadows. As for this shadows issue, it happens due to rendering system. When the camera turns away from some objects, the engine stops to render those objects and therefore there's no shadows from those objects. Noticable at evening and morning because it is the time when the sun light goes through many trees, fences and other objects in the world. It's easily reproducible with a barrel fireplace. Place a fireplace barrel, ignite it in the night, turn around away from the barrel, and the barrel will be not rendered, allowing the fireplace light to spread around. Once you turn the camera back to the barrel, the fireplace light will be interrupted with the barrel body. Turn around again and the barrel will become invisible again, and the fireplace will enlighten everything around you.
  2. Ermiq

    Experimental Update 1.08

    LoL. Dude, we don't have a Kalashnikov factory in every city. It's actually only one city where the Kalashnikov factories are located. One city, in the whole Russia. Can you believe it? And we don't have AKs in every house. The last time I saw AK in real life was more than 10 years ago, I was in army back then. After that I have never seen AK. Russia is not USA, we are pretty careful when it comes to guns in real life.
  3. Ermiq

    DayZ modding priority list

    Access to DamageSystem is needed. For example, currently there's no way to prevent/reflect damage or change damage values before the damage is applied to a target. We only have EEHitBy() which just notifies about the damage dealt but doesn't let change the damage. Examples where it could be usefull: - PVE mode mods (to disable player-to-player damage). - to tweak damage of the infected.