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Everything posted by CottonHill2

  1. So the first 3 times I encountered another survivor in game I tried to be friendly and speak with them and they just shot me dead, even though I had no guns to shoot back. I was also shot in the back by someone I never even seen. So the next time I run into someone I pulled out my gun and started blasting them, and they were yelling WTF but IDK maybe you want to kill me lol. What is the proper game edicate lol?
  2. CottonHill2

    New Player - No Loot

    The game builders intended for you to die, and die often. Everyone dies when they are new, but with each death you learn what not to do again. The standard Dayz server will give you a glow stick, a few rags and some sort of fruit to start off. Eat the fruit first thing. It will give you a little food and hydrate you a little. Find a road or get to the nearest town, locate a road sign to tell you what town your in, then go to the map on Izurvive to figure out your location and look for the well in that town. There will not be much loot on the coast since that is where every one spawns, so most of it is already looted. But loot respawns after a little time so you will find some things to use. You can open a can with just about any sharp item, even a screwdriver or machete. Most houses have fruit trees in the yards, so if you need to you can scout out the trees and look for plums, apples, and pears. Those will keep you going while you look for other things to eat and drink. The game has a huge learning curve, so you will have to perish several times until you wrap your head around what you actually need to do to survive. DO NOT drink from ponds or streams, you will end up with Cholera and it will likely kill you. DO NOT drink from water bottles that you just find, unless you have some chlorine tablets to make it safe to drink. DO NOT use the cooking pot to drink from untill you can sanitize it, either by using the sanitizing spray or you can put it on a fire and heat it. Dont eat raw meat, or drink using your hands after gutting an animal. On a side note, dying early after spawn is so much better than dying after you have spent several days gathering supplies and gear.
  3. Ok every one, I have my first real question. I am at the airfield, I have a ton of gear, guns, and ammo. Moving through clearing the rotters from buildings using a .45 SMG 60 I think ITs a USG 45. I had one mag full and went through it, took it out to reload shells into it and now it will not go back into the gun at all. I can load a single round into the chamber and fire it like that, but the full mag will not go in. The mag is in pristine condition, the SMG says worn but still fires really good. What if anything am I doing wrong or is this a bug. Im in the 1.05 experimental if that matters. EDIT : Sorry its an USG 45 Id like to get this solved if possible, I can hear someone else off in the distance unloading on something, Id like to have the option of using that smg if I run across him.
  4. CottonHill2

    server problems

    So I seen they were going to have a shut down to fix some kind of character problems. Now I had no servers in my list for like 7 hrs, then finally all the servers came back up, but now when I try to join any server I get the Bad Version; server rejected connection. I cant play any of them now. Should I wait for them to update to the correct version of the game, or am I doing somthing wrong now?
  5. CottonHill2

    server problems

    Unfortunatly it took away my character that I was playing with yesterday and now I have some random person with stuff I never picked up in a place i was never at.
  6. CottonHill2

    server problems

    NVM lol I restarted the game and it updated itself so now its workin.
  7. CottonHill2

    What happened to all the community servers?

    The only servers Im showing are the community servers, none of the official servers are showing. Does it usually take all day to fix something?
  8. CottonHill2

    The game has stopped starting!

    Check the dayz folder in your documents and make sure none of the files are read only, your having an access error and that usually means the game is not able to write to a file that it needs to.
  9. CottonHill2

    The game has stopped starting!

    Servers are down right now anyways. , but Im guessing you conflicting mods or maybe you need to update the dayz launcher. It could also be that your profile folder somehow became read only.
  10. CottonHill2


    Your first order of business after spawn and can get hydrated is to locate the nearest medical facility or hospital and start looking for Tetracycline , and charcoal tablets. Depending on the sickness you have, you will need one of those. The charcoal tabs are good for if you get food poisoning ( solmanola ) eating raw meat will get you this one. Drinking from stagnant ponds, dirty canteens and cooking pots, and sometimes even a water bottle will get you Cholera and you will need the Tetracycline pills to take care of that. The sooner you can take that pill the sooner it will be over, if you let it progress it will get harder to take in enough fluids to keep you hydrated. Thats why I always locate a medical building as soon as I can after spawning, because if you get sick with no medication on hand it could take you some time till you can get somewhere and find it. I use to just suicide my character if I got sick because I could never find what I needed soon enough, but now I know that the sooner I can take that pill the better off I will be. Ive successfully treated both ingame and was pretty happy once I figured it out. You should know what sickness you have, by the actions you took just prior to getting sick. Eating raw meat or drinking bad water. It took me 2 charcoal tabs to get rid of the sickness symbol after eating raw chicken, but the amount may vary depending on your luck of the RNG. It took me 2-3 tetracycline tablets on different occasions. You can take another pill as soon as the pill symbol disappears, if it didnt get rid of the sickness on the first pill.
  11. CottonHill2

    How do you handle other survivors?

    So basically kill anything that moves, take their stuff. Got it.
  12. CottonHill2

    They need to fix the magazine

    You definitely need to manage your gear. Ruined shoes will cause bleeding from running, ruined gloves will cause bleeding when sliding down a ladder. If I see an item is badly damaged, I start looking for a replacement quick. I lost an entire backpack full of supplies because it got to the ruined stage, I took it off to switch it to a different one, but after taking it off I noticed the one I was switching with also said ruined and it would not let me put either back on. I ended up not being able to find another on in that town and had to leave everything I could not carry with me. I also had the gun glitch, but Im sure it was because the gun became ruined.
  13. CottonHill2

    Weird feeling after 1.05 update.

    I have not experienced this. I click open and the door opens no latency on my end. And I can confirm the zombies are chasing me. Im in the US playing on a EU community server with 199 ping and I dont notice any latency glitches.
  14. CottonHill2

    Mystery disease

    1.05 seems ridiculous to me. I can understand if I drink from a pond, but I just got cholera from a well. With in a min or 2 after filling my bottle and drinking water I was sick. Earlier I got sick and the only thing I drank was a soda that was given to me at the start like 10 min from spawn and I was sick and could not make it anywhere that had any medical supplies.
  15. CottonHill2

    Trouble inserting a new mag into SMG.

    Thanx, yea it was definatly bugged, I logged out 3 times and it wouldnt work, so then I tried to switch servers and I didnt realize I would lose every thing. So Im aback on the coast again lol.
  16. CottonHill2

    Introduce yourselves

    I ended up dying. Thanks for the map advice, Idefinitelyy need a map. I always try to get inland and end up back on the coast in some other location lol. Trying to follow power lines away from the coast is not fun I end up in the middle of nowhere all the time.
  17. CottonHill2

    Introduce yourselves

    Howdy all. Been looking at this game for a while, finally bought it a few days ago. Now Im on day 2 of nursing this stupid cholera. Im pretty much stuck in this little town with a well and a few fruit trees to keep me alive. FIrst few times I played it killed me because I didnt understand what was going on when I ate or drank anything. So heres hoping that I get better today.