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About dominance

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  1. dominance

    Dayz Origins Village group

    Tried to add you but nothing come up on skype, i'm playing on that server but only started a few days ago so haven't built my character up. I will pm you.
  2. dominance

    Has DayZ died down quite abit?

    I was wondering this myself. Haven't played for a few months and come back today to try Lingor island. And it seems there is barely anyone on most of the servers (I mean any dayz server, not just lingor) and there is alot less servers than when I was playing it before.
  3. dominance

    Pending Update: Build

    Disabling the respawn button is not a good idea. As when used you lose your items anyway. Sometimes it is good if your looking to find your friends and they are really far away, I don't see the benefit in disabling it.
  4. dominance

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Since this update loading is ALOT slower... I haven't played for a few weeks and then usually if it was taking this long to load i'd know it wasn't going to and have to find another server. But now it consistently takes way longer to load and it's frustrating.
  5. I'm not sure but all I have to say is wow.. that is so awesome that your wife is also into this! None of the women i've been with have been into games.. in a way it's good I guess as I need time to myself, but that would be interesting.
  6. Because people are annoying fuckheads.
  7. dominance

    Anyone else have Alt+tab issues?

    No my issue is that i've alt tabbed back in just to see myself getting shot :( Doh..
  8. Yeah definately, I have no idea where they are coming from half the time, and I have much bigger groups of them chasing me now. So i've died more times than usual.
  9. dominance

    Loving the new forum!

    Hey Rocket and everyone, Sorry if there is a thread on this (I couldn't see one). But as soon as I come on the forum today I was like "wow". I love the new forum, looks awesome. That is all :)
  10. dominance

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Unfortunately i'm getting more problems with this then the last release. I'm getting the yellow and red chains (connection problem) ALOT and I rarely did before, and i'm even getting them on servers where I have very low ping. And have alot more problems connecting to servers, some won't connect at all where they did before. I did notice a difference with the zombies.. like I got used to their behaviour and all of a sudden foudn them in new places and was like 'ahh I could sneak aroudn there before' and i'm finding they seem to be in bigger groups now and I have way more chasing me. Other than that didn't play long enough to say much else as I got sick of connection problems happening. But I know it will be fixed, your doing a awesome job guys!
  11. Interesting you frame this as 'if you disagree you must be an exploiter'.. good try. This causes problems if you get the 'no message received' and want to disconnect but if your character is still there and gets eaten because of the lag then that's no good. And stuff like logging out if you have to go do something.. (eg toilet, to eat) there is alot of places if it stayed for a while zombies or players could come get you. Yes I get annoyed with the people who disconnect after they shoot at me and I shoot back.. but I don't like this solution.
  12. Yeah I do respawn sometimes, but unfortunately after a few times most of the time it freezes the loading screen. Is this a bug or was it done delibrately?
  13. dominance

    Will server swapping be removed?

    Server swapping shouldn't be removed because there is stupid shit like people wiring up entire buildings and if you spawn inside and can't change server then your fucked. On so many servers everything is wired. And then on other servers there is desync problems for some reason and you can't find the guys your playing with or just seem them running on the spot, so you have to change server to fix it.
  14. I only use third person and would stop playing if it was disabled.
  15. That still doesn't work, and no other solutions with the launch do. I could use it until I used six updater to download some mods. AVOID SIX UPDATER!!!