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Everything posted by mother1977

  1. mother1977

    update inbound?

    well, are we? (lol)
  2. mother1977


    depending on the map you may need a bigger radius lets say ("7500 0 7500", 15000) i know i always have it at 15000 no matter the map, just to be sure. also make sure your storage folder has an export folder in there and any other mapgrouppos files are either renamed or deleted always works for me but does sometimes take 10 mins or so
  3. if you have admin tools, such as zomberry or vppadmintools you can delete it. but if you don't i really don't know.
  4. hope this helps you with your issue
  5. then make sure your events.xml (found in the mission db folder) looks like <event name="StaticPoliceCar"> <nominal>15</nominal> <min>0</min> <max>0</max> <lifetime>2500</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <saferadius>500</saferadius> <distanceradius>500</distanceradius> <cleanupradius>200</cleanupradius> <flags deletable="1" init_random="0" remove_damaged="0" /> <position>fixed</position> <limit>child</limit> <active>1</active> <children> <child lootmax="5" lootmin="3" max="5" min="5" type="Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police"/> <child lootmax="5" lootmin="3" max="5" min="5" type="Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police"/> </children> </event> if not they will spawn in police stations. make sure these are correct and you should be fine
  6. you will need to check your types.xml file and make sure they look like this <type name="Land_Wreck_Volha_Police"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>86400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> <usage name="Police"/> </type> <type name="Land_Wreck_hb01_aban1_police"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>86400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="Land_Wreck_hb01_aban2_police"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>86400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="Land_Wreck_sed01_aban1_police"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>86400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type> <type name="Land_Wreck_sed01_aban2_police"> <nominal>0</nominal> <lifetime>86400</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <min>0</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> </type>
  7. mother1977

    Livonia issues

    if it's any help the map name isn't livonia it's enoch
  8. mother1977

    Combo Locks

    most code locks start at 000/0 or 111/1 from memory so if you didn't fiddle with it they would be good guesses
  9. mother1977

    Question About Servers

    community servers are not controlled by bohemia, and the owners, like myself, put mods on it and have custom setups restarts times, night/day, server slots, map in rotation etc
  10. have you tried deleting the dayz.exe file or the dayz folder itself then try to verify the files in the steam launcher. had a friend with the same issue and this was his fix
  11. mother1977

    Inventory non interaction

    hey there guys and girls i'm having an issue with not being able to interact with items in the inventory. so i can pick items up and have them in my uniform, but i cannot click on them at all and remove them or anything. anyone else have this issue? thanks mother
  12. mother1977


    honestly looks like he had a friend and you didn't see them.
  13. mother1977

    Stable Update 1.08

    we have the desync issue with our server IF it has a hiccup and there is nothing you can do. move on find another car and hit the roads with the wind in your hair 🙂
  14. mother1977

    Adding a building to an existing map

    the only way i know how to do it, and it's the way i do it. jump on community offline mode, add the building using that and grab the coords for it, then add into the init.c file.
  15. mother1977

    Stable Update 1.08

    you don't and you leave it cfgspawnabletypes.xml runs with it
  16. mother1977

    Question about types.xml

    it should do, as it is saved in the files that a player has one
  17. mother1977

    Force Loot to Despawn

    or go into the missions folder and find the storage folder then rename the date and backup folders with "donotuse" on the end so they look like datadonotuse / backupdonotuse restart the server and presto you have loot spawn refresh the server will generate new data and backup files once you jump on the server AND then you can delete the old ones please note this will take ALL LOOT off the server, including in bases and persistent stuff. i do this only when i have done a full wipe of the server to start again AND have added to the types.xml file only do this once you have the extras added.
  18. mother1977

    Stable Update 1.08

    just wondering if the implementation of wood stacking change is a "change" or a result of something else. cannot swap out bunches of logs (4 in a pile for 1 on the ground) and stacks of planks (anything for 20) also not being able to right click on stacks of objects to drop half is really annoying. is this going to be a feature? because it makes stacking anything a nightmare - thanks edit - i forgot cannot combine planks of any size over 10 weird?
  19. mother1977

    Rostow new Map

    nice work mate can't wait to see the finished product
  20. mother1977

    how to increase zombies properly?

    no zombies on the server is one of two things, your types.xml file has an error or (and this is more likely as you said you changed the file) your zombies cap in your global isn't enough to cover your zombies on the server. so for example you want military zombies to be twice or three times the amount currently in the game: you increase them as you wish by the MAX MIN in the territories file. my before max/min (top 10 lines) <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="4" smax="8" dmin="10" dmax="15" x="6424.6" z="8152.22" r="100"/> <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="4" smax="8" dmin="4" dmax="8" x="7841.11" z="5863.65" r="100"/> <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="4" smax="8" dmin="10" dmax="15" x="5001.79" z="2122.94" r="150"/> <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="4" smax="8" dmin="10" dmax="15" x="4432.25" z="6703.5" r="80"/> <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="4" smax="8" dmin="10" dmax="15" x="9058.25" z="6628.59" r="160"/> <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="4" smax="6" dmin="6" dmax="8" x="7671.73" z="5975.71" r="80"/> <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="4" smax="8" dmin="4" dmax="8" x="5601.41" z="3781.37" r="120"/> <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="4" smax="8" dmin="4" dmax="8" x="4466.79" z="4805.45" r="100"/> <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="0" smax="0" dmin="6" dmax="8" x="8343.42" z="11199.8" r="100"/> <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="4" smax="8" dmin="10" dmax="14" x="7888.33" z="9794.5" r="160"/> my after max/min (top 10 lines) <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="4" smax="8" dmin="12" dmax="25" x="6424.6" z="8152.22" r="100"/> <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="4" smax="8" dmin="9" dmax="15" x="7841.11" z="5863.65" r="100"/> <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="4" smax="8" dmin="12" dmax="25" x="5001.79" z="2122.94" r="150"/> <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="4" smax="8" dmin="12" dmax="25" x="4432.25" z="6703.5" r="80"/> <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="4" smax="8" dmin="12" dmax="25" x="9058.25" z="6628.59" r="160"/> <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="4" smax="6" dmin="9" dmax="15" x="7671.73" z="5975.71" r="80"/> <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="4" smax="8" dmin="9" dmax="15" x="5601.41" z="3781.37" r="120"/> <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="4" smax="8" dmin="9" dmax="15" x="4466.79" z="4805.45" r="100"/> <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="0" smax="0" dmin="9" dmax="15" x="8343.42" z="11199.8" r="100"/> <zone name="InfectedArmy" smin="4" smax="8" dmin="12" dmax="24" x="7888.33" z="9794.5" r="160"/> and now comes the yucky part. add all the dmax numbers up and jot that number down. now add 10% more to the total (for chopper spawns etc) that is the number for the zombie global max. so mine is a total (with 10%) of 4614 +10% so i made my global zombie max to 5000. hope this helps
  21. mother1977

    Experimental Update 1.08

    the update we needed AND wanted!!! lol
  22. mother1977

    Inventory non interaction

    thankyou tried that and it worked
  23. mother1977

    Inventory non interaction

    UPDATE!! i am having a huge issue with my server when i am a fresh spawn i can interact with loot items all day long, but when i log out for anything, i cannot interact with the inventory and no matter how many times i relog or restart my game or restart the server, it does nothing. i am running CF, Zomberry, basebuildplus and codelock. i did have to change the legacy file in the CF to get the server to even load up with any mod.
  24. mother1977


    what map are you on? as livonia doesn't have fruit trees that drop fruit