PS4 player here. Obviously the top tier weapon spawning needs to be tweaked a bit. I am fine with item scarcity, it just needs to be more equitable for all players. the current system rewards the players who have obscene amounts of free time to game this system, by either duping and/or stashing the top tier weapons which every player would at least like to see every once in a while.
I don't have any suggestions to eliminate duping, as I do not fully understand how it is done. but it doesn't appear that the new server hopping spawn penalty has fully stopped these folks from ruining the loot economy for everyone. Maybe slowed it way down.
The long term stashing of top tier weapons is what is hurting this game for the standard servers. The length of time that weapons/items can be stored underground should be drastically reduced... maybe 7 days until an item becomes ruined and despawns. this might stop folks from wasting efforts hiding items from the rest of the server population. Of course, above ground stashes should last longer in storage, but maybe also consider adding more restrictions to curb the abuse that is going on. It is hard for any base to survive too long, so maybe above ground instances are not crippling the top tier loot economy as bad. Maybe add a super rare cosmoline as an item that could protect an item and allow it to last longer buried. But it would take 3 or more gun cleaning kits to restore it back to usable condition.
Bottom line. We need more tweaks to restore balance back to this game that I feel a lot of people would enjoy if we could somehow eliminate the rampant abuse that a few folks are causing. There is a reason this game has captured the time and attention of so many of us, even with the insane amount of unsolved issues. The average DayZ player will live with the glitches because all players have them. But the loot imbalances sour a lot of casual players to everyday spend their time elsewhere. The PS4 servers are a lot more empty these days. And that's a goddamn shame.