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Everything posted by mindhertz

  1. mindhertz

    New map for DayZ is coming soon

    No it's not going to be free and yes I think it's really unreasonable to ask more money from those who bought the game back when it was on alpha state and had to wait so many years to get some what playable version of the game therefore this new dlc should be free for those who bought the game on early access as gift with card saying "We're sorry" I know why it's been taking for so long for them to make the game and honestly I understand it but that should still not be excuse to ask more money from us who backed the project years ago and got bugs and glitches in return as what I think this dlc should be free for those who bought the game back when it was on beta state and what comes to those who bought in on alpha state well they should deserve to get so called "season pass" including this dlc and every other dlc on the future for free giving the first backers the appreciation they deserve EDIT: Ps. also yes add bears to chernarus+