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Everything posted by rekkless

  1. It is a map created for an ArmA 3 DLC called Contact which was an Alien themed DLC. It was actually a pretty good DLC, but ArmA 3 is getting long in the tooth and the DLC priced at $35 wsa not received well by the community. Like I said if this is Paid DLC (although for DayZ it should be free since DayZ is lacking in players and features) it better be free or significantly discounted for people who already own Contact DLC for ArmA 3.
  2. https://twitter.com/DayZ/status/1175767956678045698 If Livonia from ArmA 3's CONTACT DLC is the big announcement paid DLC for DayZ next week, I better not have to buy it twice!! I already bought it for ArmA 3 and it was largely a total failure compared to Apex. Hardly any servers use the map as so few people bought the DLC and even in my ArmA 3 unit we've only played the map a few times because less than half our player base bought the Contact DLC. So if it is indeed the new map coming to DayZ I hope any users who have already bought it for ArmA 3 get it for free or at the very, very least at a very significant discount.