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About Jazmina

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    On the Coast

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  1. Jazmina

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    You have to put bait on the hook then apply it to the fishingrod
  2. Jazmina

    Helicopters and No Smoke

    Thank you 🙂
  3. 1.05 version So started on a private server the helicopters would have smoke, so you could spot them. But now there is no smoke on any type of helicopter if you manage to spot one its just pure luck. Is this a bug?
  4. Jazmina

    DayZ Livonia PC Open Beta

    Well, I am rather new to DayZ in general. My friends convinced me to play on a private server where it was only a bunch of us. We all worked together against the environment. I did pretty well as the "scrounger" I had good luck finding everything. On to Livonia. I was terrified to even try the beta on my own rest of my guild was busy doing other things and getting ready for RDR2. But thought I would try out this DLC. I can't tell you the number of times I died just trying to find water and food. Extremely difficult at the beginning with your hydration so low. One time I was just a moment away from a water well to drink and died right there. It was extremely frustrating. Trial and error. Medical supplies are in existence but finding any antibiotics to cure whatever you have from drinking from the River. Side Note. I don't think drinking from a river should not make you sick. Its running water. I lived on a farm. It was always safe to drink from moving water bodies. I didn't get the chance to try and boil water to see if it boiled off the 'bugs" but if not ..it should. So two things here, in the beginning, should have higher hydration to give you a smidgeon of a chance. Two water bodies that move, such as a river or a creek. should be safe. I did eventually luck out. I did run into a player or two that I had no clue who they were but we banded together exchanged items that we needed. One fellow helped me learn something pretty basic that I had no idea how to do. Was you could empty water bottles ....but game mechanics ...um cant empty them inside a building...that's a bit silly but you had to go outside and do it .. something we both learned there.. Most of the time would run into asshats that would just kill you outright even though you offered them items anyway. Lucky for me I am rather a vindictive witch, I had a stashed barrel with extras in it, gun and ammo included respawned and killed this one guy just to give the Karma is a bitch lesson. I was rather joyous with that, I am not a pvp person though this game is based mostly on that. But a person such as myself can be useful to any pvper, As I said I am a good scrounger. Eventually, I lived long enough to have a very good stash in several places. It took many hours to find ONE antibiotic. By this point though I had water in pots. Though water wells were killing zones, I managed late night early morning to refill and food sources were enough to make it through hydration up until that point. But again you need to glut yourself on water. the usual three arrow trick isn't enough to keep you hydrated for any length of time. I did like some of the others above when it rained I would cook food from animals I had managed to kill on my own. Gave me a regular source of excellent food. In the end, I really liked Livonia. I don't think will be playing on a public server. Think my friends and I will rent again and explore the whole of the area without dealing with murderous crazies. The number of Zombies was bad enough without your fellow human beings trying to kill you as well. Peace out fellow Survivors. 🙂