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Everything posted by tso

  1. http://www.moongamers.com I'm usually in teamspeak. TSO
  2. tso

    Windows and Dayz so Far

    Is this a joke? Get your computer savvy friend to install a custom or torrented OS. If your computer friend got you this computer. Get a new friend.
  3. I played Fallout:new vegas and dealt with hardcore survival in it. Durability is a somewhat fun idea but seems outside the range of design in this ARMA mod. I could be wrong as rock did add merging partial clips I think but from a coding/modding view this idea seems REALLY complicated.
  4. tso

    New system for broken bones

    Sounds interesting. Also sounds WAY to complicated to code. Default arma had broken bones so I think it's just being taken advantage of here. To re-design the medical system may be beyond the mods abilities.
  5. tso

    crash site

    FN ammo is rare but unless you only plan to fire your primary on near by guys the sniper will likely better suit you. I picked up a DMR my self. I packed a SD Bizon with 2 mags just in case a horde gets to be to much... 69 round mag of SD rounds sounds really handy. =) Will take a ton of bullets to kill any players though... Thus DMR weapon of choice so far. Just be careful to get some distance when possible.
  6. Great chance to monitor what and how their cheats work... Track them in logs and then setup more counter-measures...
  7. Like any open world game what is the point of doing anything? To what end? It's really down to player choice. Some people make up mini games for fun. Most just like to cause chaos and kill others on sight...
  8. tso

    Windows and Dayz so Far

    I play without music and other then not hearing gun fire and zombie moans and perhaps someone walking right next to you in plain sight it isn't totally needed... maybe you should just get another OS?
  9. or just remove all public access to older versions.
  10. tso

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Crossbow bolts placeable in toolbelt. Epic buff to it's usage and hopefully a quick feature! ;)
  11. tso


    It's context sensitive like middle mouse button. Looking at loot and opening your bag usually opens the bag in such a way that your setting up to put the loot on the ground directly into your bag. if looking into the sky while standing on said loot it would just open the bag normally with the list on the left showing the contents vs your inventory.
  12. All within a couple hours of the latest 1.7 patch on a fresh spawn. I was able to sneak up on a new player and check his bag while he tried to pistol snipe 1 zombie walking on the shore. Nothing. Surprisingly blind player though. Walk into cherno, raid a couple bars for a Guille suit, enfield, ammo, 2 food cans and 2 pops and enough drugs and bandages to survive killing a double barrel equipped player and 2 hordes. Those hordes nearly had me but some careful thinking and luck kept the horde barely manageable solo. (ty player carrying extra makarov ammo.) Then I took off running outta the bar as third horde came after killing my 2nd new player in one shot. (They gave no warning or message. Friendly or not you commin near me I shoot. you stay out of sight I'm cool.) Surprisingly the zombies didn't chase me much at all. Got a lil distance and they gave right up. Next day out side of town I found a compass and map. Circled Stary Sobor as I heard gun fire. Found a crashed Heli and crawled up to find a pp19SD-somethin and a DMR. No ammo but I want DMR and I usually luck out on it's ammo so I take the empty gun and ditch the enfield. 3 Deer stands later I got 1 clip for it. Mind you I'm skipping a lot of details and time but it's all been an exciting life. I hope it goes better then the 31 day life. Thoughts: Starting without any weapons and essentials was rather easy spawning near a main city. I imagine I could have had a tougher time on a road/beach but over all it's business as usual in DayZ and not to difficult. Sweet work by rocket and co. =D Glad no bugs really came up and loot vs zombies is doing well.
  13. I'm the sure the idea was well meaning. But it is and would be a total waste. Safe zones just encourage new/more campers and the safe effectiveness could almost be achieved by players trying to make a safe zone.
  14. tso

    Adrenaline Shot idea

    Mod isn't being made for 'realism' remember? It's easy enough to willingly suspend disbelief that any shot was perfectly 'lethal'.
  15. tso

    Adrenaline Shot idea

    Depends what you mean by dead. As I understand it' date=' it can restart someone's heart who is experiencing cardiac arrest. But I'm no doctor... [/quote'] Basically that is what I mean. A chance to revive a dead person? Supposedly my friend in town gets killed and looted. Can I get a chance to come back and revive him within 30 minutes or before he logs out with epi-pen? I understand modding has it's limits and I have never modded ARMA so I don't know how much 'Medical/Health' aspects you can control.
  16. tso

    Adrenaline Shot idea

    I learn something new about medical science... Could epi-pen have more of a chance to revive the dead then?
  17. YES Late gamer kills needs another separate mechanic to deal with spawn killing. Random map spawns?
  18. While I think the OP was a pretty terrible post. I would like to see DayZ stick to it's core design quite a bit, but just like the game was well placed in ARMA 2. (bleeding and bone breaks = awesome) The humanity aspects will need some creative designs to allow players who got hooked by CHKilroy's type of teamplay to get some fun teamwork in.
  19. tso

    How much would you pay?

    Humble indie bundle setup would be nice. If I had the money to throw around up to around 35$ but I don't... I'd just play it and get other people who do throw around money to buy it also ;3
  20. It might be an issue with the coding of the throw/distraction. I have thrown smoke grenades at/over distance zombies and have them completely ignore it. I believe there is a couple 'markers' that get zombies attention. This is using smoke grenades I notice. 1. The Throw. I believe this is what causes zombies to run toward the player first then the smoke grenade is thrown. The person throwing is marked or the grenade makes some sorta marker the moment it's thrown that that zombies start running toward before changing to the new grenade 'mark'. 2. Bounces (down hill usually/along fields) When a grenade bounces past zombies I find it gets the attention of zombies at around medium range to notice my grenade rather then just chucking it over their heads... They tend to ignore it if it just flies over really quickly. I believe there is more factors but it's usually at extreme range/cases so I haven't bothered testing. Other objects share some of these markers but it seems more subtle... Flares/chems I find have zombies slowly wander toward them and that's about it. I've only tried a few tins and cans and have personally seen no effect what so ever. It may be an issue of what surface I throw the can on and if the zombie is close enough to even hear it.... I imagine it to be quite difficult and useless item to have around for distracting zombies. Not really worth it. Would really like to see zombies chase rabbits though... They are fast and I imagine the sight to be quite funny if not unsuspected when a rabbit is near you. Not to mention the zombies you'll deal with because of it.
  21. I kind of like it as is. I sat in a bush in a hill overlooking a town scouting for a buddy while he raided some key locations. Night time mild wind? Prone most the time? By time we were done my temp was already at 30-32. I had a heatpack to cover the unexpected drop in temperature but otherwise would have possibly gotten ill or in danger if making a camp fire. It's mostly noticeable for any semi large time of sitting still in the open. Most the time people are moving about or keep in shelter. It seems mostly correct they keep warm that way. Could maybe be drop a little faster in the open when moving about in rain/wind but otherwise it seems reasonably quick.
  22. tso

    Add a camera as gear.

    I get what you mean. I don't think it'll happen. If you could maybe find a players map and see where they've been on your own map that would be cool but that's to large a mod I think. =/
  23. tso

    This game live up to the hype?

    Maybe. As I've told my friends. It's a bitch to setup and get into but the immersion can be some great fun. But expect a lot of violent gamers non the less. Most got a shoot on sight rule so good to have buddies and make it a long term goal to meet up.
  24. tso

    Backpack slot. Alt to Classes/profession. V2.0

    I like the idea of reviving people. Instead of death perhaps a blackout that unless player gets 'coup de grace' in person before looting is made possible it's treated like a type of pass out animation otherwise? and like the pain/shock if you log out you die but if you get 'revived' you continue? Not sure about taking up backpack slot to revive friends though. Might work if a sniper pair (one paddle/one gen) could cover a group and if they all die the sniper kills the enemy and revives them but that's kind of a stretch for setting up/encouraging team work. Would rather have a adrenaline needle as it would work better in small groups/spread among groups... A paddle setup seems a little to complicated.