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About Ryoga85

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    On the Coast

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  1. Ryoga85

    Server crashes "Unknown Module"

    Good morning. Could someone help me find the bug on my server? It is about this, it is repeated every so often and the server throws at me. It is not a Mod, because the last Mod in the commandline appears in the message, whatever it is. But the same line always comes out when crashe, something related to a non lethal weapon -------------------------------------------- DZ_Structures_Specific in DZ\structures\specific\ DZ_Weapons_Firearms_B95 in DZ\weapons\firearms\b95\ DZ_Weapons_Melee in DZ\weapons\melee\ DZ_Nonlethal_Shockpistol in DZ\weapons\nonlethal\shockpistol\ Mods: @ToxicZone Version 1.05.152380 Fault address: 402063DC 00:402063DC Unknown module file: dayzOffline world: chernarusplus Prev. code bytes: 75 05 E8 FD E1 CF FF 48 C7 44 24 50 00 00 00 00 Fault code bytes: 48 8B 85 98 00 00 00 4A 8B 34 F8 E8 84 F8 BD FF ======================================================= note: Minidump has been generated into the file ServerProfile\DayZServer_x64_2019-09-08_14-13-24_2019-09-08_15-32-00.mdmp ----------------------------------------- In each crash that command line always appears: DZ_Nonlethal_Shockpistol in DZ \ weapons \ nonlethal \ shockpistol \ And the Mod is the last in the command line, whatever Commandline: @CF;@ZomBerry;@BuildAnywhere;@Kolsurfaces;@CodeLock;@Notifications;@Airdrop;@TraderFix;@Trader;@InventoryPlus;@EarPlugs;@GoreZ;@Weightless;@Panel;@Munghards;@BaseRaidToolsV2;@LessVegetablesHarvest;@Windstrides;@SQUAD;@MoreGuns;@ToxicZone;