Being somewhat new to the game is there a way to turn down the amount of Zombies attacking on a solo person? It is hard to go onto in Military Base without a horde of Zombies converging on a solo player. (yea for the more experienced player with a team is the only way it seems to make it through a Military base with only one or two losses. Seems 4 man teams are the best) Any suggestions for the noob?
Is there a way to adjust server side nights (Dark----------------Light) scale? NOTE: Been noticing the night is a little lighter, but ever server owner has there own feeling on how dark the night should be.
Is there a way to adjust server side Illness (death---------------How did i live through that sickness?)
Been noticing sense the most recent patch that mags and medical supplies are bugged and cannot pick up - only cure is to log out and log back in. (Note: watched this happen to a streamer numerous time during his stream trying to pick things up; Note-ably out of cars and Mags cannot pick up mags. off of ground and or trying to reload; or out of cars(saw this happen with medical morphine injectors. Happened to me in game also. CANNOT PICK UP). Had to log out
So far I would like to commend the Dev. team on a good update. As with any update there are always adjustments to a patch.