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Everything posted by vitek.lederer@seznam.cz

  1. vitek.lederer@seznam.cz

    Play alone?

    i don't know anyone from the game so i play alone, and it's not easy but it has certain amount of fun to it. You must watch out all the time, if you start bleeding you better have bandages and food to refill blood and stuff. One huge disadvantage playing solo is broken bones, if you dont have morphine and brak your bone in middle of nowhere you can pretty much press respawn. In some situations you get kinda paranoid (that rock in the distance moved, or did he? etc. ) I would like to play with someone but i also enjoy playing solo because these days it's hard to trust someone you know only ingame and because it's nice challenge
  2. vitek.lederer@seznam.cz

    dual weild pistols?

    i didn't say its easy but it's doable, anyways im out enjoy rest of your day. May it be warm and sunny and full of zombies ;)
  3. vitek.lederer@seznam.cz

    dual weild pistols?

    well lot of you talk trash and such, but have you ever shot with real guns? lets say classical glock G17 if you are shooting at 2 targets at the same time its actually more effective that using one gun and reloading(providing you have shot before) but things like that would be hard to implement in fps games. Only reasonable implementation would be two guns pointing forward at one taget and thats uneffective so yes dual guns would be bad, but if it was made like real life, its not so bad (reloading is another issue, but shooting itself is not so bad with two guns pointed at two targets )