I'm on an community server, and i died to a bear and wolf attack. I dies at 1:08 and was able to get back to my bodie at 2:15 or where i died because i saved a clip of it ( was my first bear attack and wolf at the same time.) But when i got to where i died all that was there was my akm. I was wondering if this was a bug . From my understanding your body decays for 2 hours. I have been in gunfights where i have had bodies decaying and the fly noise for atleast an hour and a half. I have never owned an server so i dont know if yhats in thier settings or if thats a bug. Any information would be helpful. Also i was on lavonia if that matters. Thabk you for you time and explanation. Cheers!
Thank you impulZ, hope it gets fixed soon.
I really love this game and really hope everything goes well with this. I know many people are impatient with some of these bugs, but I know the team is working hard to find fixed to them.
All the best!
I have lost 2 characters tonight. I was playing on another server and was about to log off for the night but wanted to go back to my "home" server. When I got into my server I went to put a few things into a crate that I have stashed. After I finished logged out, but i remembered that i forgot to put one thing in the crate went out long back on to finish up but was given an new character and new spawn location. After that I went to one of my other accounts and tried to see if it would happen there. This account I haven't played on it in about a week and didn't remember the server I was on so I just tried this one and it gave me the 15 second counter but again was given a new spawn and new character. I'm not to worried about rh gear yeah it sucks but I'm just worried about the server. Also the server didn't show me on for both accounts in the online section in the pause screen.
Please respond with thoughts and comments about what this bug means and how it happened.
Also im working on trying to get the video for the first account.